30 -Day Journey - Intentional Living

30 -Day Journey - Intentional Living

For the past 7 days, I, along with several thousand of my fellow John Maxwell Team members have joined hands in “The 7- Day Experiment.” And now we jump in the 30-Day Journey.

As I always share with my audience and team, it is not about financial investment with John Maxwell Team, It is about TIME commitment and hungry for growth and lifelong learning journey. John Maxwell company and all of our faculty team and coaches put their heart and soul to develop the best materials in the world, and we are overwhelmed by the tons of information and learning materials, but we schedule our time for learning and go through the whole process, to make ourselves as a better person and touch more lives all the world.

Will you be one of those millions who make the decision to stop letting life just happen but rather choose to live intentionally?
Be watching and be prepared to live intentionally with people around the world.

"Good intentions will never take you anywhere you want to go. Only intentional living will get you the things you want in life."—John Maxwell

Stay tuned!


