30 Businesses in 30 Days - Be a Standout
Cortney Ihde
Facilities Planner - CAM | Operational Fanatic | Go-Getter | Customer Focused | Strong Communicator
Last month, a colleague of mine from year's past inspired me by a post she wrote right here on LinkedIn. She wanted to meet 100 CEO's in 100 days because she had recently been promoted into the top leadership role within her firm. She felt it was important to hear and meet from as many local business leaders as possible to keep herself open and proactive to the needs of the community. It got me thinking...
I meet many business owners each week by networking, referrals, carrying on my day to day errands and within our community here at ActionCOACH Business Coaching. What always gets me going is seeing how hard business owners work on their businesses and that inspires me to help more of them get better results. This month, I am setting a challenge for myself to meet face to face with 30 business owners that I haven't met yet. My goal is a realistic opportunity for me to help a lot of people this month. How I help them will be determined when we are face to face - it could simply be making a connection to someone else I know, sharing a link or article that I know will serve them, or it may be a conversation about how business coaching can help them have a better life through better results and making more money.
30 businesses in 30 days. To me, the results of meeting this many businesses in this many days would be STANDOUT for me. So, this is where I ask you to help me out...
If you know a business owner that might have an interest in learning about coaching, or you have a friend that owns a business and they need help growing it, take action and introduce them to me. I'd welcome the opportunity to learn more about their goals and dreams and be a resource to them this month. Don't be afraid to make this happen for them. It could be the kindest thing you've done to help someone, especially if it works out to their benefit. And, I'll be sure you get the credit for the introduction and extend my gratitude.
And special thanks to Kira LaFond for the Inspiration! I can be reached at [email protected] or 262.901.4331, or check out our website for our upcoming events at www.aceg.biz