3 yrs of governments reforms / boom / bane / farmers / youth / start - ups / economies / power struggle /Eco death make in India / clean India etc
From the day my team started journey before elections to have new government's for change in India and New state of Andhra pradesh which was divided un- constitutionally and last 10 years miss rule of various governments with corruption in all fields - caste / religious conversion's / mass killings by oil and gas , arms, land mafia's betting gangs and fall of stay-am and CBI cases criminal politicians / Industrialists IAS /IRS / IPS etc going to jail looting of banks by crony capitalists from Sahara , RIL , vijaymallaya, Anil Ambani's etc and all banks bad loans from corporate more than 3 Lac crore's / Billions of dollars where banks become busted and farmer becoming paupers and more people going into debt trap and economic growth is recycled to some figure ( GDP rankings / Country rankings is bull shit ) and stock market crossing 30,00 marks and other statistics released by governments to project them self's how they made India / state's great etc
no un -educated understand stock market etc and banks wavering of big corp orates , contractors who fund election's and capitalists who contest elections as MLA's MP , MLC' , RAJYA SABA MP's etc is really fascinating how power player / stage players play games with each other by goodness / crookedness / un - trusted marriage alliances as NDA / UPA or making their children / grand son' s having marriage alliances or become relatives in various forms or galloping / Running away from one party to other party or running away to have silent marriages or having living relation ships for - power / bungalow / post etc is true last 3 yrs innovation and great achievement's for all parties.
For example UP elections most winners from other parties and or from congress and the same story won with one party symbol and join other party due to blackmailing or pressure or no support with food etc to get back his 50 cr / 200 core spending for each MLA / MP seat. This is every state Politics ( Telangana / AP / Karnataka / Tamilnadu / Delhi etc ) politics is real case study and lastly AAP Delhi Government and lastly new parties / new stage players announcing new parties ( politicians / Actors / IAS / IPS / Mafia support criminals )
These three years political play is like Russian roulette.
These three years and recent elections various states and coming elections is really re-consolidating power and also all politicians / Bureaucrats ( IAS / IPS / IRS ) to save their money ( honest / looted etc ) and also by having new alliances to save them from corruption charges or becoming partners / power supporters to governments who are in power that is CM's / PM' etc
Money recall is major new innovation where banks where refunded with people money to make them run and other crony companies who looted banks and also made people to think that is every thing is right and fighting against corruption really taken place. this is invented by politicians / crazy economists to make people to change their minds . But a crook is crook always will have his mind to look for innovation to save money or print money or route money to other countries where in still US $ 700 billion is out of India. this is actually minus point
Clean India what PMO / NITIAYOG /MOUD etc trying to clean India with Clean tax collecting is really making other departments ( municipalities / panchyats etc ) to get more funds and have more Avenues to make money. When basic person who is generating waste is not least bothered and health departments / pollution control boards local ward members and workers working in municipalities / health / education / sanitation / Roads and building / Engineering departments are corrupt and most 40 crore people still living in poverty and also bad infrastructure created last 70 yrs cant make India clean in one day or 5 yrs power. 1st people / politicians / government officials working in various departments must be cleaned.
so many developing countries missed SDG's due to lack of education reaching goals at grass root levels and most of GLOBAL GOALS are political in nature and other bureaucratic hurdles funds Red Tapism in system and lastly no citizen is not interested what he want to achieve 1st looks for his bread and butter and follows local village leaders who are ?????
skill India / Make India - this empowerment is really good to make India as manufacturing hub but India is in villages and also most of them not properly skilled or most of them are uneducated and also Indian economy is farmers and is in villages. Here we are rally forgetting local development and also make necessary steps to stop city migration and also local villages are ruled by un - educated people and local land lords who have control on people who will dictate terms or proxies of political parties and lastly local castism really plays a role and party which is in power and local leader mafia acts / corruption acts and local government officials who are working there who have regular clout have his own money generating models. A typical IAS / IPS corruption is more than 50 Cores to 300 Crores and local villages head election costs is between 50 lacs to 2 crores like these there are 6,38, 596 villages all our India and god knows in-habit-ed / un - habit-ed villages and how many rapes happening's etc most of them are living relation ship's for money or exploited for others. This story is all over in all developing countries most of them are poor / workers / other means of life etc This is alternative economy to control people through various means and lastly no government school is really operated and private schools / collages / universities rules India which is more than 40 billion dollars biz making most of people un - skilled as most of them thought by other un - skilled person and these people migrate to cities local towns in the name of learning etc India will become self sufficient when local people are skilled and all imports are stopped and make Indian products reach mass market world wide with innovation and also make products affordable and not by making counter fit products like china doing and bombarding in various means. classic example Elephants / tigers etc and valuable tree's like red sandalwood etc are getting smuggled by Chinese mafia with local mafia which is billion's of dollars biz and also funding for local elections and use this money to circulate to push china products and services world wide. Only way for India is to make population less , make education based on merit and also make 400 million youth skilled to meet all sectors needs and also make Industries make products to serve global markets with quality and competition and also proper funding for R &D and other start up' support eco system rather than copying from other countries we must our own " CIRCULAR ECONOMIC / ECHO NET " .
By having District wise R & D centers local knowledge hubs CO- Operative Society which we call as " knowledge collaboration " open sources can change over all spectrum and local knowledge empowerment recycling of minds is needed of hour and also making people to slog rather than living on free bee's etc Free bees is for votes and also make people to become Slaves for political parties and other enemies of nation who brain wash un- employed youth to become anti nationalists or depend upon other nations or very few people who control power by controlling people and lastly divide and rule or kill innovation / skills / talents to move away from India.
Digital India / fiber grid / cash less payments - if this is really matters by this time India may have build its own internet and also dictate terms to various top ICT Companies teleco's to serve local market and also made our own Technology concentric hindustan / Indian internet to serve people and also make most of them / products / services are global brands in TELCOM / CLOUD / MOBILE etc areas this is really missed due to telecom scam's and very few companies want to control internet and media solutions and services and there is no proper R & D spending in developing new communications products and services . Lastly there is universal services obligation and also to safeguard " public enterprises " government owned organizations run under billions of dollars losses and sell them as waste to make crony companies to have huge assets that is " land banks " or make penetrate into governments revenues and make then great companies or lastly few companies . This is from daily water drinking / Chai wala kiosk to 7 star hotels from napkins to Bed sheets etc All private companies can dig roads on their own or make DOT fiber / RAIL NET / DD / AIR etc are waste or use their infrastructure as their with BSNL / DOT vanishing or becoming one more subsidy of private companies where in few Telecom / media billionaires . the ans to this each state government and local start up's having level play / open Telecom / mobile / Digital / sources / hard ware etc infrastructure models to serve local people with new innovations which can reach global markets as OPEN DIGITAL INDIA ICT for world .
Security / cyber security last 70 yrs India almost all times depended upon other countries and also one of biggest defense spenders where most of politicians ruled are controlled by " ARMS COMPANIES " mafia's and SCAMS to loot billions of dollars as most of them are not really bothered about security of nation and lastly every police in each state works differently least bothered about other states security or other state people suffering from looters etc Brokers / DRUGS / Corruption really made India not to become of one of major arms exporter or own Fighter jets / submarines / ships etc all these years we got JUNK or second hand flights and some cases Jet fighters engines are 2nd hand all we can crash's and lastly all most all boarders are open to durg's mafia , illegal immigrant and others have hawala routes open to route looted money. Most ship building yards capable of building naval ships etc become sick to support private companies to build or act as brokers supply systems which are out dated or even tendering process is yrs of delay with various acts. Local Start up's innovations and making people / youth compulsory armed forces working and also giving training in building our own technological systems can make us to make In India defence products where china is a head with copied / design's theft models or doing reverse engineering from various countries through various means.
Almost all our cyber defense mechanisms are not up to standards. Every internet users is not even educated 1st what type of cyber security basics must follow and about privacy etc and even service providers or least bothered about how danger about cyber attacks. most of mobile users un - educated and even won't follow basic security needs step. for each e-mail / communication having encryption key is really important and all PC's must be under continues " VIRUS SCANNED " by service providers really matters. Most of Internet service providers not even bothered to have " IPV6 " in place and not even make their routers are in secured and also make users privacy / digital foot print is secured. Government / service providers are also responsible about digital foot / hand / Head print security which is also national security. Open Cyber security / communication frame work rules and regulations is compulsory for each internet user.
Lastly most of politicians are criminals associate with mafias to kill people loot people in various forms for power , land's , loot companies , loot people to become local leaders and also use mafia to route their money world have links with betting gangs Dawood Ibrahim ( notorious terrorist gang helped funding terror attacks ) and lastly terrorists / Dacoits are created by rulers , leaders other's etc to have power kill others make money from village level to international level or used by contractors to make money in various means kill economies / loot economies from house levels to international levels and call them #BANKRUPTCY or #INSOLVENT #JUNK BONDS #JUNK MONEY #INFLATION etc and make only TWO To THREE CURRENCIES rule world and few billionaires who can run whole country in various forms .
During last 15 yrs around 20 to 90 k people killed in various by land oil telecom corruption mining religious mafias ( conversion into other religion's ) looted gods looted temples killed religious leaders Hindu's , Muslim's , Christians to have power and announced themselves' as " CHRISTIAN GOD " in south INDIA and also looted uranium tiatanium and Hindu temples money lands even CHURCH's money lands an even Mosque's and other honest people lands government lands land's given by people / kings to TEMPLE"S where looted . Worth billions of dollars and projected them self's are MP' , MLA"s of Governments and also made people divide states to loot ( DIVISION OF STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH ) used great march's , orange pink revolutions as case studies killed thousands and economy went into crony crooks mafia's and even sold national security for RELIGION / CASTE. This is what is security of #HINDUSTAN where we are sacrificing for nation as freedom fighters families and innovators etc
Even these crooks are freely roaming entire political system / Citizens supporting them as they are from different states , castes , region's religions who are controlled by few crony capitalist's and anti nationalists who got funding from various part of India world through various means where he Earn money in billions have lands villa's jets woman wine cars private body guards etc to roam all over world freely as " OPEN CRIMINAL RAMBO's " . GOOD AND BAD SECURITY GOOD AND BAD TERRORISM GOOD AND BAD CITIZEN GOOD AND BAD RACES GOOD AND BAD GOD GOOD AND BAD INNOVATORS GOOD AND BAD BANKING GOOD AND BAD WAR / SANCTIONS from your village levels to global levels. This is present democracy / communism or OPEN COMMERCE OF TERRORISTS IN VARIOUS FORMS OPEN TERROR - commerce or T - Commerce .
After 10 years by old parents case is now getting pushed even PMO and all GOVERNMENTS Are saving criminals killed thousands of people because he is politician or part of ruling powers he is doing biz and serving as MP , MLA , directors , IG , CHIEF SECRETARIES and chairman's founders of biggest construction companies founders of internet service providers media companies etc This is what is security of nation where every Solider is getting killed with out end result from terrorism from last 50 yrs and all local police / politicians helping Terrorists / MAFIA etc and NAXALS Who are also partners of politicians and some are leaders. THREE CM's , HMO and all political parties are associated with these criminals . These people talking about " NATIONAL SECURITY " " CYBER SECURITY " is really joke and all citizens are #IDIOTS #SLAVES and lastly #JAIJAWAN #JAIKISAN #JAI SCIENTIST etc is waste and lastly real fighters are cowards of nation and fake freedom fighters families leaders , Politicians , BROKERS ( supply every thing act as black money hoarders ) are Ministers from center , state to city village level's act as messiah's of governance and also give big statements as real leaders locally globally etc This is every where in every country that is why 3.4 billion people are still suffering and have no food security shelter etc
Global climatic / Eco / Green foot Print : Last 70 years most of developing countries didn't thought about how to have their ECOSYSTEM GOALS and save local ecosystem to save their trees / water / energy needs etc huge population growth killing hundreds of years local natural needs / farming models / health models etc and pushing into industrial revolution and also caste based / Religious based governments for power really destroyed Indian eco system. killing trees , water beds , river beds in the name of mega projects , mining mafia , population growth , land mafia , resources mafia and also forgetting about pollution form various industries making polluted plants to run openly and also making all rivers stink with human waste and other wastes through rapid urbanization and also not following any form recycling models and other means making people to use fertilizers , pesticides , drugs companies , steel / metal companies / plastic companies / animals bodies etc near rivers water tanks and also in people living places. By not following regular pollution norms making all people to run factories and also bringing out dated technologies for energy generation and also pushing carbon dioxide generated companies.
By linking to global green emissions and trying for " global green money " fraud and not making next 300 to 500 yrs necessity of local eco system or 5 elements which was taught in our own Veda's , civilization's Indian's adopted Industrialization and started producing people rather than producing new products green products which was already invented to reach global markets. For example in olden days every thing is recycled or re -used in home itself ( paper bags , cloth bags ) , slates having all types of medicinal plants and also working 12 to 14 hr. wrong industrialization , de -forestation of all forests even temple lands for mining and trees etc really destroyed our Indian " SELF ECO SYSTEM " frame work invented here. After 70 yrs we are waking up once again to sign Pairs pact. We need our own " ECO COP PACT " where in all state's must follow and also ban all polluted products one example no plastic and also coal based power plants no burning of trees by farmers after waste generation and also restoring are river bed's which are occupied by people and water beds having one national rivers / water tanks / trees and local each villages " ECO GRAPH " " Eco matrix " Gauge's to meet maximum eco / non polluted village tag. This can really changes to make India have their own food no droughts and make people live with proper food. Due to ecological disasters mining mafia's India lost US$ 400 billion to 900 billion. Health problems , disasters , importing resources , creating death cities etc Smart city / village means creating self - sustainable village and also making local economy reach's every body and also others globally with out local inflation and poverty and middle class poor tag. 6,50,00 Eco tag networks can create new green India also make people to work 12 hrs earn more money and make GDP grow. .
10 face's of human life can really make's to think as Hindusism / Veda's thought about ECO system respect and our own body eco system respect and serving people / life / trees around us with mind in control which is innovation and rule of GOOD GOVERNANCE TO SERVE PEOPLE and also saving ECO System and also creating new innovators good people honest people working hard people rather than greediness and power in the name of various means which is nothing but elements / particles /atom's of people who evolve in various means. Creators of destroyers and also producers are workers and workers are producers and and all consumers must consume based no needs to make every life on earth can live in greenery prosperity have shelter and also save eco system such that world won't "EARASE " " VANISH " .
humans innovators thinkers guru's trees water air earth space fire are god's and god's are eco system visa versa who can create new order rather than fighting for resources religion caste race's. if we destroy our five shelters five shelters will destroy us.
This some parts of this model was written 15 to 20 yrs back and where three layer model was 1st shared having - applications , networking , security as three layers of network to connect every body. It is not IP , TCP it should be " human protocol " " human control protocol " early 1991 -1997 we told " THE NET WILL THINK AND ACT " leading to present AI in those day's we used to call bot nets and also present cloud is nothing but " ASP " services and all APP's are web site's etc . one we are re -inventing " MULTI MEDIA NET WORKS " once again through hard ware + software hybrid models through open sources making Brian gel / cells connecting with Artificial worlds/ gadgets / things to make them part of us or make them to destroy our life's with few super knowledge / intelligent people / creatures or animals or trees etc
people life trees all five elements are also important to create next Internet " INTER ECO / ECHO NET " with open governments leaders innovators and Intelligence open innovations values honest good internet of life's not internet of things.