3 Ways You Could Be Turning Your Customers Off
Janie Hall
Founder & Principal Consultant at Seven Elements | Transformational Leader | Neurodiverse | Strategist & Storyteller | Keynote Speaker & Author | Connector of Ideas, Innovation & People | Champion of Progress & Growth
Over the past decade the way we do business has transformed dramatically with more people turning to online solutions than ever before. We are seeing the traditional bricks and mortar concept struggling on every street corner as they vie for our attention and money amongst the millions of other shiny bright things in today’s market place. So how do you set yourself apart and ensure that people keep coming back time and time again?
My partner and I have a favourite Italian restaurant, it's our go to place most weekends which we discovered by accident. It is a beautifully renovated hotel with great music, mostly European staff and great authentic food and coffee which is reasonably priced. It is always busy and it’s easy to see why. Now, the food is really great however like most restaurants depending on who is cooking depends on just how great it really is. On occasion we have felt slightly disappointed, however it never deters us from returning almost week after week. Why?
Because we always have a fantastic experience.
A great example of this is last Friday night. We arrived exhausted after a big week and the manager Cesar, a cool young French guy greeted us like long lost friends; with a big manly handshake hug for my partner and a French cheek kiss for me. I have observed him over the months do the rounds of the other guests, always taking the time to make each person feel like they are important, valued and seen. The wait staff are always happy, helpful and cheeky which makes the whole experience enjoyable. We always leave there feeling uplifted and satisfied.
Despite the ever changing landscape of business some things never really change; that is people’s desire to do business with people they like, trust and offer a consistent experience. One of my favourite quotes is;
“Give people an experience they can’t get anywhere else and they won’t go anywhere else”.
On the other hand there are a multitude of ways we could be possibly turning our customers and potential customers off doing business with us. Here I list my top three reasons based on some of the interesting experiences I have had over the years.
1. Treating your customers like counsellors and sharing your sad sorry tales of how bad life/business is
We all have bad days and everyone has their own battles to deal with. The last thing people want to hear, especially your customers is all about how sick, tired, poor, frustrated, angry or hard done by you are. No matter what product or service your business offers, your core focus should always be leaving the customer feeling better for the experience of doing business with you than before they came. Be an energy giver not a taker.
2. Bad mouthing your competition, other customers or employees
My grandfather once told me that there are three kinds of people in life; those you like, those you don’t and those who just don’t count. No matter which category you place your competition, customers or employees in; it is NEVER acceptable to discuss your feelings or vent your frustrations to your customers. You just never know who you are talking with and who they are connected to. Not to mention it only makes you look and sound untrustworthy. After all if you are happy to bad mouth others to a near stranger what is stopping you from talking about them behind their back?
3. Treating your employees or fellow co-workers disrespectfully in front of the customer
It never ceases to amaze me how rude some people are to each other in the work place, especially in front of their customers. Nothing makes me want to walk out of a business faster than seeing someone talk to their people like dirt; then turn to me and smile sweetly as though butter wouldn’t melt in their mouth. How you treat others, even under pressure demonstrates a lot about the kind of person you are and how you run your business. This kind of behaviour just leaves people feeling uncomfortable and guarded. Demonstrating a supportive and compassionate culture goes a long way to building trust with your customers and employees.
What other ways have turned you off from doing business? Would love to hear your stories.
Until next time,