3 ways water will improve your business
Michael "Clean Hands" Jensen
Better working conditions for our Mobile workers. Hand hygiene. Commercial vehicles.
We at ShoulderSink have been fighting 3 years now - to bring water and soap to those in need. Well - in need as in those with really dirty hands, those who are always away from home, those who build our houses, empty our sewer, fight our fires and repair our cars when we are stranded.
Today there is gloves. Have you ever worked a full day with gloves on? when its hot? with small nuts and bolt?
And there is Wipes. Industrial wipes. They are great actually! They will take ANYTHING off your hands; oil, glue, dirt ... and when you are done with the 2-3-4 wipes, your fingers are mostly clean - the same chemicals that cleaned the oil, glue, dirt so easily, stays on your fingers when having lunch - and the remainder of the day....
That is why we created the ShoulderSink. It is really quite simple - have a look:
Tom, the guy with the idea behind the ShoulderSink work as Roadside help, Farmer, Trucker, Installer - he were always on the move - and always needed to get his hand cleaned. And NOW it is ready! (Btw: we still need distributors EVERYWHERE - almost - give us a call if you know just the right ones to help us...)
Having soap and water available for you mobile staff - or in your own daily business on the road will help your business in several ways;
#1: Less sick days
You and your colleagues will have fewer days off work. That is good for business. That is good for life quality. Water and soap is what you need BEFORE any hand rub or hand sanitizer. There is no point in disinfecting dirty hands - both CDC and WHO says so:
CDC (Center for Discease Control, USA) : https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/show-me-the-science-hand-sanitizer.html
“Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of microbes on them in most situations. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.â€
WHO (World Health Organization) : https://www.who.int/gpsc/tools/faqs/system_change/en/
“However, ….. hands need to be washed with soap and water when they are visibly dirty or when exposure to potential spore-forming organisms is strongly suspected or proven, or after using the lavatoryâ€
#2: More business
This is actually a no brainer. But still a problem for many people. Often our best sales persons are the ones doing the work - repairing, servicing and installing machines. People trust them, as they are the ones saving your butt, with the knowledge of the item in question.
They are the ones that can upsell, plant the idea of a new upgrade or put in some extra consumables... You will want to have nice clean hands, being able to meet and greet the decision makers.
With dirty hands - you will miss out on this opportunity for sure...
#3 'Shiny happy people...'
Have you ever seen a commercial for mineral water that were depressing? Water has a special position in our lives. We are made of 80 something percent water. We can make so many ingenious, chemical ways of substituting water - but it will never be quite the same...
Having the opportunity to wash your hands in water is simply a human right that will give you a better well-being, a better feeling of being fresh and clean. And what people feel - they bring with them in whatever they do....
Science says so too: ?https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/05/100506-health-brain-wash-hands-choices-decisions/
Wash you hands - and all your troubles away.... have a GREAT day
Michael - www.shouldersink.com
NB: Most people like firetrucks. So here is a firetruck: