The 3 ways to train without strain!

The 3 ways to train without strain!

Once finding your ideal candidate, the next step would involve getting them immune to the job role, department and the entire organisation. The most standard and yet fancy term giving to this procedure is known as ‘Training’. Even though the bunch of new people recruited might be extremely good at what they do, they need to know what to do and information surrounding those tasks. A flow of new knowledge can improve the organisations growth and this is where training comes in handy. Although many understand the importance of training programs it often get shoved in the back burner due to budgetary restrictions. Instead of waiting for the money, to spend, think outside the box and create ways to improve knowledge within the organisation.

1.      In house awareness.

The first thing needed to be known by any new employee is how things work around and who better to describe this than the person in charge of it. This is a great chance to put the management team to work. Have a few managers take turns in introducing processes to them so that the training doesn’t need professional help. The manager will get a chance to express their areas of work while explaining the process flow in a more practical sense. This will also enable them to get well acquainted with each other.

2.      Get talking – Get connected.

This is probably the best way to get to know the culture, the people and the nitty gritty of the organisation. Every organisation has that individual who literally knows everyone and everything. It’s best to introduce your new comer to all employees on the first day and especially to these individuals. General and friendly chats can help the newbie to feel more comfortable and many find it easier to adjust.

 On the other hand, it would be helpful to identify those employees to have contact with someone who is updated and knowledgeable enough to come and share some wisdom with the crowd. This might come for free or at a discount and it will give a new experience for the employee to be trained in the field. It can be a short session where the people would not feel tortured by a long lecture or an interactive experience where the presenter will appear more casual.

3.      Encourage mentoring

This is a concept that has been experienced from a very young age by every individual. We make people who we think are wiser and inspirational our mentors either to guide us by knowledge or by years of experience. This is a wonderful concept for work as many of the newer employees will get the chance to work with and learn from those that have peaked in their line of work. By assigning mentors to groups of employees will create a continuous flow of information and knowledge helping them to perform better with guidance.

It is important to remember that creating a flow of information within the organisation and encouraging employees to always be updated will change the culture to be a self-training atmosphere that will not require any additional efforts to train.


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