3 Ways Successful People Cope with Stress
Every one of us deals with daily stress in all its forms. But on certain days that stress can triple in size and it can become very difficult to handle. Did you know that 47% of people are stressed every day and 39% of work related illnesses are cause by stress/anxiety?
The good news is that there are proactive measures you can make now to ensure that you canmanage your stress effectively. With the following tactics you can make sure that no stressor is ever too hard to handle.
1. Constantly Prioritize
Every day usually presents new challenges. The best way to manage hose challenges is to create a task list that manages all of the important deadlines you have throughout the day in order of priority. However, there are always unforeseen tasks that will come up throughout the day that can cause your workload to double and your stress levels to peak.
The way to manage these unforeseen tasks is to ask yourself if this takes priority over what you are currently working on. If not add it to your task list and reference that list throughout your day. This stress fighting tactic will help you to manage your time more effectively allowing your stress levels to drop.
2. Meditate
One of the top ways to handle stress is to meditate. If during your day you find that your stress levels are so high that you cannot focus you need to remove yourself from the stressful situation. Walk away, go into a quiet room and take a moment to calm down. Take deep slow breaths for about 10min and refocus.
Once you have calmed yourself down you will find that the stressful situation will become easier to tackle. You can now brainstorm ways to solve the problem that is causing your stress. Plan out the steps you are going to take to solve this problem. After this momentary break you will be calm and have a plan of action to eliminate stress.
3. Plan for Something Great
You should always have an activity planned at the end of each day that you enjoy. For example, an exercise class or spending time with family. When you have a stressful day this activity can be the thought that calms you down. Use this activity as a mantra when you are having a stressful moment at work. Remind yourself that at the end of the day you get to do something exciting or fun.
Don’t have any ideas for a fun activity? Did you know that exercise produces a relaxation response in the brain that lowers stress levels? Exercising is a healthy way to cope with a stressful day. Whatever the activity you choose, it can be an integral part of balancing your day and providing you with control over your daily stress levels.
We hope that these stress alleviating tactics help you to have a more productive workday. What tactics do you use to cope with stress? Let us know in the comment section below.
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