3 ways to shift your mindset
Tony Fields
Achieve Peak Performance without Burnout & Happiness without Compromise ?? Award Winning Performance Coach | Mindset and Growth Expert | Motivational Speaker ?? Become the best version of YOU ??
You have the opportunity right now, to become more fulfilled, to feel more energised, and to become more focused than you ever have in the past??.
You may be reading this and deep down BELIEVE that the only way to become more successful, is to work even harder ??. That an overactive mind, that high expectations, that daily stress and pressure, is just what it takes. If so, keep reading.... ??
This morning, I was listening to an amazing podcast, by Deepak Chopra, about Re-Thinking our approach to happiness ??. It was so insightful....
For so many we are "conditioned" to believe that the only way to succeed is to struggle. Hands up, until 4 years ago, I was one of those individuals too ??.
The real magic is when you start doing better by doing LESS ??. Take your time and read that again.... Imagine what life would be like for you, if you had an extra hour to two every single day.... ??
Right now, this may feel far fetched, however this is truly possible. The real goal in life, is not to work incredibly hard TODAY to live life to the full in the future. It is to become the BEST VERSION of yourself TODAY ??.
If you are a successful business owner or business leader and want to experience a completely different way of living, then you are going to LOVE by next 5 day PERFORM HAPPY challenge. By stepping back for just 30 mins a day over a week, you will discover that you can GROW faster than ever before, and learn to truly ENJOY the process ??.
To get you started, I wanted to share with you today, 3 ways you can shift your mindset, to help you to start living in a different way.... ??
#1 Reframing - Right now, you will be presented with challenges and opportunities in your business and in your life. For most these opportunities define us. Yesterday I hosted an event with an ex CIA Interrogation officer (Lena Sisco) about the power of our mindset, and we shared a quote at the start. Life is 10% what happens to us, and 90% how we respond ??. Take a moment today, and SHIFT how you are viewing a challenge or opportunity you are faced with. We can CHOOSE to look for opportunity in every challenge we face.
#2 Reflection - Stepping back is not easy especially when you have your head down down running a business. But taking that step back allows you to look at the bigger picture. It allows you to reflect on how far you have come. It also allows you to ensure that you are on the right path. So spend 5 minutes today to take that step back and reflect on the last week, 3 months, 6 months, year or maybe even few years. You will be surprised at how much you have accomplished ??
#3 Gratitude - So often we take what we have for granted. We spend our time focussing on striving for more. It is so important to take time to be grateful for the things we already have. So I invite you today to write down 3 things you are grateful for right now. Repeating this every single day is an incredibly positive habit that you can build into your daily routine.
During the latest Perform Happy LinkedIn Live event, I was absolutely delighted to be joined by Lena Sisco...
Lena has a unique perspective on life that very few on this planet will experience. She has operated in harsh environments on the front lines where being resilient in the face of opposition was paramount. Lena was a former US Department of Defense Interrogator whose job was to build rapport with terrorists to gain truthful intelligence information that would save lives. There was no room to fail, the stakes were too high.
Years later, she took life lessons and her expertise in human behaviour, communication, and leadership, to the business world to help leaders command conversations, lead with confidence, know who to trust, and make wiser decisions in life – both personal and professional – to ensure their safety and success. She truly believes success starts within, with a strong mindset and moral compass.
This truly was an inspiring and motivating event. If you didn't manage to tune in LIVE you can watch a replay here LENA SISCO LI EVENT
Have a great weekend.