3 Ways to Prep Your Home for a January Sale
If you're planning on listing your Columbus area home 1 January or even into February, there are things you could be doing now so that when the time comes you're not left with a cramped, stress prep time. Here are three simple things you can do in the next couple of weeks to help prepare your home for a first of the year sale.
#1. Take care of any and all minor repairs.
If there are little things that of been bugging you for years, now is the time to take care of them. Perhaps it's a leaky faucet, a creaky door, a missing doorjamb or caulking around bathroom appliances and windows. Whatever it is, buyers will definitely notice so take care of it now so that you don't have to worry about it, inspection time. If you're unsure what your house needs, as a trusted friend, family member, or even your future real estate agent and see what they say.
#2. Start packing now.
If you wait until the last week to pack you'll be stressed out and things will usually go into boxes you didn't intend for them to, so start now by packing up seasonal items, off-season decorations, and off-season clothes and blankets. Be sure to label the boxes and set them aside for the moving truck when the time comes. You'll be ahead of the game by far.
#3. Start interviewing real estate agent.
Now is a great time to interview real estate agent because they just don't have a time of stuff to do right before the holidays. People are finalizing Christmas and Hanukkah decorations and parties and usually the last thing they do is set up interviews with real estate agent. But, the perfect time to do so. Meet with a few real estate agents, ask questions, and talk about your listing agreement before the time comes. When you are ready to list, everything will be ready to go.
Would you like to set up an interview with one of our agent? Give us a call today or even if you just have any questions on listing your Columbus real estate, give our office a call today.