3 Ways to Make Yourself So IRRESISTIBLE Your Clients Will Never Stop Giving You Work
Zeckry Rashid
FSM | Managed and Value Services towards Channel and EU | Content Creator | #ZeckryThought - Road to 10K |
When I started out as a freelancer, I got my priorities all mixed up.
Somehow, I got it into my head that my future as a successful freelance copywriter was dependent on how many new clients I could land.
In my mind, that became a measure of my success. The more clients I could attract, the more successful I would be.
It took me a while to figure out I was completely wrong.
The key to success as a freelancer isn’t to keep landing new clients, it’s to make MORE money from the clients you already have.
Key Takeaway … This is great news for you. This means you DON’T need to stress about landing a ton of new clients. You just need a few good clients you hang onto for the long-term.
Prospecting for new clients is a huge drain on your time …
It takes time to get new clients. And when you do land a new client, you have to invest even more time in just getting to know them.
All this time is UNBILLABLE.
When you are prospecting for new clients and getting to know the ones you land, you’re not making money.
Investing in existing clients makes a lot more sense.
Instead of spending all those unbillable hours on finding new clients, invest the time in making yourself irresistible to your existing clients.
When your existing clients keep giving you more and more work, great things happen.
First, the number of billable hours you can invoice each month jumps dramatically … because you are spending time on paying projects, not on prospecting for new clients.
Second, you start doing better work. This happens simply because you become more and more familiar with your clients’ products or services.
Okay … now it’s time to look at those three ways to make yourself irresistible.
FIRST way to become irresistible … Be easy to work with.
I know, it sounds obvious. But clients will often stop working with a freelancer simply because he or she is hard to work with.
Maybe the freelancer didn’t return calls or emails in a timely fashion. Maybe he got defensive when the client wanted changes. Maybe he was unreliable when it came to deadlines.
The point being … and I know this for a fact … most clients would rather work with a B+ copywriter who is reliable and easy to work with than an A+ copywriter who isn’t.
Key Takeaway … You DON’T need to be the best copywriter to land the best clients. You just need to be good to work with.
SECOND way to become irresistible … LOVE your client’s business.
When you are talking with a mother who is holding her new baby, how do you make her smile? You tell her that her baby is beautiful.
When you’re in the park and sit on a bench next to a man with a dog, how do you make him smile? You say something nice about his dog.
So … when you’re talking with either a prospective or current client, how do you make her smile?
Yep … you got it … you tell her you think her business is amazing.
I kid you not … complimenting someone on their business is the fastest way into their hearts.
If it’s a bigger company, you can talk about how you just love what they’re doing with their marketing.
Clients will love you and work with you forever if you show genuine interest and enthusiasm for their work.
The key, of course, is that the enthusiasm be genuine. So right from the start, target clients you’d really, really like to work with.
THIRD way to be irresistible … always do your best work.
Any kind of relationship can come to an abrupt end when one partner starts taking the other for granted.
Ring any bells?
It’s the same in the client/freelancer relationship.
For the first few projects, the freelancer will do his very best work. He’ll put in extra hours he doesn’t even charge for. He’s just determined to give the client his best work.
And then, over time, he slowly starts to take that relationship for granted.
He starts submitting work that isn’t his best.
He may not even notice what he’s doing.
I have seen this over and over. Freelancers become complacent, take their clients for granted, and start submitting second-rate work.
And then — big shocker — they lose the client.
Don’t be that freelancer. If you have a great client, take care of the relationship by always submitting your best work.
Wrapping it up …
Freelancers who are starting out often feel intimidated by the idea of having to land a ton of clients.
Prospecting for clients all the time feels scary.
Well, it doesn’t have to be that way.
When I look back over my own career, the most enjoyable AND profitable periods have been those when I have been working with just three or four long-term clients. And some of those clients gave me work on a regular basis for several years.
That meant I spent very, very little time on the high-stress task of looking for new clients, and instead focused all my resources on doing great work for the clients I already had.
Key Takeaway … Land just a few good clients and then do everything you can to keep them for the long-term. Be IRRESISTIBLE!
Credit : Nick Usborne