3 Ways to Make Inclusive Education a Reality
Brave spaces for practical and inspired learning. Transformative strategies for lasting student and teaching outcomes.
Since 2011, Lessoncast has been helping schools, districts, and institutions effectively implement inclusive practices to improve student learning outcomes. Led by founder Nicole Tucker-Smith, co-chair of UDL Rising to Equity, the Lessoncast Team has noted three key means for making inclusive education a reality for every learner.
1) Implement Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach that considers what options may be essential for some learners and makes those options available to all. In working with teachers and leaders, we repeatedly hear, “Ah, UDL is a framework that makes inclusive instruction doable.” Want to learn more? In true UDL-fashion, here are a few options:
2) Attend to Leaders, Caregivers and Teachers
Most initiatives focus on teachers exclusively. At Lessoncast, we understand that an integrated approach to implementing UDL includes every member of your education ecosystem.
This brochure highlights how our team offers a multifaceted approach to co-design a plan that meets your needs and budget.
3) Rethink Professional Learning
Rethink professional learning systems to improve instructional practices. Too often professional learning stays in a workshop and never translates into improved instruction. Leaders can bridge that gap by shifting their PL systems and structures to provide just-in-time inclusive education resources for a range of needs. Lessoncast offers an extensive catalog of interactive PL mini lessons that can be viewed on a laptop or mobile device. Teams, individuals, and whole staffs access what they need when they need it.
To learn more, contact [email protected] or book via Calendly for a free consultation with Nicole Tucker-Smith.