3 Ways to be Less Available to People Who Steal your Time

3 Ways to be Less Available to People Who Steal your Time

Creatively Crafted by Preethi Fernando

#EmotionalintelwithPreethi. | preethifernando.com

1 If you have always responded to their e-mails within one minute of receiving that e-mail, stop it. Wait for one hour. Next, wait for 1 day.

2 Before scheduling a Zoom meeting with someone who is automatically used to your saying yes to every Zoom, meeting, ask 3 questions upfront to determine if this Zoom meeting is necessary

3 If it’s a chronic, family problem that has been ongoing with a family member for 700+ years, and there has absolutely been no improvement on either end, let that family member know where you stand. Talking about it for another 700+ years is only a waste of their and your time. Explain this with kindness and sensitivity. This will free up a lot of time space in your professional life also.
