3 ways Hubspot Transformed our Business?

3 ways Hubspot Transformed our Business?

Since we introduced Hubspot over a year and a half ago our business has been completely transformed. Every element of the sales and marketing process at Applicaa has been automated, and below I have listed the top 03 highlights!


We can group our contacts according to different criteria e.g. role (Head of 6thForm); location; type of school; when they were last contacted; even down to whether you have friendly receptionists (or not!)

The system will then automatically send out pre-written email templates as new contacts meet those specific criteria.


Loading in email templates means we can save popular emails/messages that we’d like to send to you rather than starting from scratch and having to copy and paste from old emails


Calling has been revolutionised. Previously we used mobiles or our landline and dialling up. Now we’re able to call from our computer without having to dial the numbers each time.


The system reczcords who, when, for how long we spoke with someone. Genius.

Only thing it doesn’t do you is tell you the password for getting past scary receptionists!  ; )


Before, we had to manually update our spreadsheet each time we contacted a teacher by email or call.


Now the Hubspot system does that for us!

But what relevance does all this have to do with me and my 6th Form? 

And why are I telling you all this about how great Hubspot is? How is this going to help you as a Head of Admissions or Head of 6th Form, or Data Manager?


The reason is that we both have something in COMMON.

We Both Want To GROW!

  • As Applicaa, we want to grow our business…
  • As 6th Forms, you want to grow the size of your 6th Forms…
  • As Applicaa, want to find ways to increase the number of good customers (schools) we’re working with
  • As 6th Forms, you’re looking for ways increase the number of good pupils you’re teaching and developing in your 6th Forms


Admissions+ will help you to automate much of the clerical work involved with 6th Form admissions and enrolment. It will free up time for you to market your 6th Form and attract more, high-calibre students.

Admissions+ will help you automate 5 key areas:

  1. Collecting references
  2. Scheduling & recording interviews (advisory meetings)
  3. Email templates/processes
  4. Offer letters
  5. Transferring enrolment data into school MIS (e.g. SIMS)


6th Forms using Admissions+, who receive 300 6th Form applications (internal and external), save £21,000 over 3 years


I was skeptical about the benefits of Hubspot, I thought it was a big investment. And whilst not perfect I thought we were just about managing...

However, I am SO glad Marcus at Hubspot persuaded us to take the plunge. I would never go back to spreadsheets now. We’ve improved our revenue line through increased productivity whilst maintaining the same cost base through automating lots of processes. All round we’re thrilled.


Admissions+ is to 6th Form Admissions, what Hubspot is to business, ROCKET FUEL!!


Want to see the rocket fuel in action?


Give me a shout today. 


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