3 Ways To Harness Your Own Personal Power OR A New Slant On The Law Of Attraction [Part 3].
JoAnna Ferrari
JoAnna Ferrari | CEO, Nova Strategic & Co-Founder | Business Mentor | Business Story & Innovation Specialist | Better. Faster. Now Podcast.
Well if you are still reading my posts this week, I want to share the third and last instalment of this series on ways to magnetise yourself and attract what you want.
Today we discuss the third key tool, endurance. To stay with something for the duration. Most people don't think they have the endurance to stay with something until it comes true for them, but your wrong. Yep. Wrong. You've endured your whole life, I know that's true because your still here. You've overcome some real challenges and been through some hardships and pains, but your still here.
The difference is from now on do endurance consciously. What do I mean? When you set your sites or obsession for something, you know there will be barriers and challenges. If you picture them ahead of time and in your mind solve them, many times you won't have to face them. Remember we are talking about the powers you already have inside you.
I sometimes play a game with barriers and ask how they can help me succeed? That gets the creativity flowing. Try turning a barrier into the solution, it's a skill I never leave home without!
But how does that give you conscious endurance? When you practice problem solving, when you picture a clear path from you to what you want, you'll be more driven because you'll feel you can handle the challenges if they come which will give you the confidence and endurance to keep going. But even more important you'll find your limitations.
At the end of endurance is your limitation. It's good to find your limits so you can know where you are going next. Limitations are not barriers, they are landmarks. They let you know where you are and give you direction. So how do you go past a limitation? Sometimes just knowing what your limit is makes you just decide it's a false limit and keep going. This is common because we "think" we know our limit and in most cases we over or underestimate it. Simply find out can be enough. What if it's not? Well then you'll need to do one of two things employ patience or hire a guide, someone who can coach you to your next level. All of these things can help you endure. They change your mental and physical ability to stay focused and attract what you want. But what about when your physical and mental gas tank are empty? That when you need to find your spirit. Spirit is what every champion knows so well. Champions dig deep and let their spirit run them mentally and physically. When you are at the point of quitting, let go. Let your spirit guide you. Most people are surprised to find that when you think you are done, your spirit thinks you are just beginning.
In conclusion; expect the very best, you deserve it. Choose what you want and make it your obsession and finally build your mental, physical and spiritual endurance. Do these things and you will magnetise yourself and receive want you are most wanting.
I hope you enjoyed this mini series. I'd love some feedback if you're open to give it.
Fly high and strong! Jo