3 Ways To Harness Your Own Personal Power OR A New Slant On The Law Of Attraction [Part 2].
JoAnna Ferrari
JoAnna Ferrari | CEO, Nova Strategic & Co-Founder | Business Mentor | Business Story & Innovation Specialist | Better. Faster. Now Podcast.
(sorry, it's a long one. But worth it) I mentioned yesterday in part 1 that there are 3 things that can turn you into a magnet for what you want. Expectation, Obsession and Duration.
Today I'd like to explain how to positively use obsession. Three things you should know.
1. People think obsession is negative and something to be afraid of.
2.I believe it is a master key to health and wealth.
3. When you learn how to use obsession you'll realise it's a state of mind you go into and come out of when you achieve your desired results. Negative use of obsession would be to try and live in an obsessive state constantly. Many have tried and lost more than their wealth, they've lost their minds. To me an example would be Howard Hughes. Rich beyond his wildest dreams, but no balance between obsessed and reality.
So why am I telling you this? Because so many people talk about motivation, which to me is like sugar buzz compared to an obsession. Motivation might get you through your work day, but obsession will help you find the energy, creativity and other resources to succeed.
Motivation is mostly external things, obsession is an internal drive. It will keep you going and wake you in the middle of the night if need be to give you a solution or an important message that leads to your success. The problem is people tune it out and roll over and go back to sleep only to find the idea has left their mind.
So I'm clear I'm not talking about only money or business success, I'm talking anything you want better health, a right relationship, obviously career and money are on this list.
I've used it to solve many problems for my clients and show them how to harness it as well.
The other challenge people have with obsession is you must believe you can muster the drive to stay at an obsessed level until you achieve your results. But most people don't believe in themselves enough. Solution, start small. Practice and play. Let your mind get stronger and stronger. Learn to hold a picture in detail in your mind. Play a game where you add one new detail a night. The more real it becomes, the sooner it will become real.
This is not new, it's just that so few people use it. It's been popularised in many psychic books, which had given it a bad reputation. You have no idea how powerful you are right this minute and you never will unless you get to exploring it deeper. What have you got to lose? Nothing. But you have everything to gain if you'll just do this one exercise.
1. Decide on what you could obsessively want.
2. Every morning before leaving bed say out loud your obsession, then start to picture it as a still picture or movie.
3. Add colour, add sound, add smells and feelings. Create it and live it in your mind.
4. Actively and with awareness go into your day expecting something small or big to give you a clue, to show you a picture or have a conversation to let you know it's energy is beginning to fill your world. If you can do this consistently, you will become a believer yourself and will use this more often.
I'd love for you to share your results if you do this. I've told s couple of people from this group about this before. I'll ask them to add comments on how they are using obsession to have the life and things they want.
Fly high and strong! Jo