3 Ways to Grow on LinkedIn
Patrick Bates ??
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LinkedIn is a super powerful tool in 2021 because of its organic reach.
It's one of the very few social media platforms that still have this organic reach, where you can reach more people without paying for promotion, paying for advertising. And therefore it's a great way of growing as a business for free.
I would really recommend you get on it and this post s dedicated to the three top tips I have for starting out and really growing on your LinkedIn profiles.
The first tip I have is focusing on personal branding. Personal branding is super important on LinkedIn because I always say this, but people connect with people, right?
And LinkedIn is all about people, it's about connecting. You hear this connection word, right? And it's not wrong, you are connecting with people.
Show your human, show your personality, but above all, show you're an expert in what you do, talk about your industry, talk about what, what, you know, what you're good at and just give your opinions on things and leave comments, engage with people, build your reputation up.
And that's a super, super valuable thing to do on LinkedIn.
It's not just for building your company profile.
The second tip I want to give you is focusing on stories. You can post a story on LinkedIn, like you can similarly post a story on Instagram, but the power of posting stories on LinkedIn is that although people are starting to join LinkedIn more and more, not many people are using the stories and this is a great opportunity to, again, reach more people, get in front of people's faces more, get on their screens more, because when you post a story on the, on the top of the homepage, you reach the top of all of your connections feed.
Your little face is up there, right where the story icons are, and they're going to click on it most likely, and that's greater awareness for you.
Finally, my last tip for LinkedIn right now is to personalise and refine your filters and your searches.
You could find and reach your clients or your ideal clients, and really search for what they are about and you can use the advanced filter search engine by really fine tuning who your audience is, and you can really reach them at a personal level, which is super, super powerful.
Go check these things out guys, they're three really powerful tips, and I think that you can start using these straight away in your business to start growing your LinkedIn profiles and growing your engagement on there.
So check it out guys.
Really good opportunity for you there.