3 Ways to get more customers via Google
By, Gina Meyers (https://www.serendipitymediagroup.com)
As a writer and marketer, I am always impressed with how innovative Google Corporation is. Having worked for Google as a "Quality Ads Rater", I know how much effort they put into finding experienced professionals to disseminate valuable online user information. So when I was invited to hear a presentation from Google, I went and intently listened. Here are 3 Ways to get more customers via Google.
Did you know that that the average person checks their phone 150 times per day? Can you think of anything quite as repetitive that you do that many times a day? It is usually the first thing you do in the morning, as your cell phone serves as your alarm clock. I know you're still thinking what else do I do 150 times per day? Even the most dutiful son or daughter probably doesn't call their parent 150 times per day, and your dentist would accuse you of having Obsessive Brushing Disorder if you brushed your teeth 150 times per day. So how can you capture more customers?
#1) Make Sure Your Business Is Mobile Friendly
If your customers are anything like you, then they are checking their phones 150 times per day too and using them to gather information. Be sure they can find your business.
#2 Make Sure Your Business Is Online
We don't go online, we live online. Win the hearts and minds of your customers by acknowledging the fact that they live online. Invest in a website that meets and anticipates the needs of your customers.
#3 Be Fad Friendly
Seize opportunities and moments to deliver
#3 Be Fad Friendly
Seize opportunities and moments to deliver something new to your customers.
With a little bit of creativity, you can stay above the curve with making sure your company is: mobile friendly, making sure your business is online, and that you stay abreast of current fads. Seizing opportunities and moments have never been easier with Google.