3 ways to get free training on the DfE’s RAISEonline replacement service
In our last blog we reviewed the DfE’s new Analyse School Performance (ASP) service which launched earlier this year as a replacement to RAISEonline. Whilst ASP is definitely simpler and more straightforward than RAISEonline, to dig deeper into your data we recommended using another performance analysis tool like Arbor Insight alongside it.
Now that ASP has been updated with KS2 2017 data, we’ve had lots of schools asking how they can get training on using ASP and Arbor together - and the good news is we’ve got 3 free recommendations for you!
1) Performance Data for Governors: A free elearning module by SGOSS
SGOSS is a charity dedicated to ensuring that every school in England has excellent governance by offering governor recruitment, placement and training services. We’ve collaborated on this certificated e-learning module, which covers the key metrics and measures governors need to understand in order to provide effective oversight of pupil and school performance. It focuses on the key types of data governors need to be able to interpret, and how to investigate performance more closely by benchmarking against other schools
Sign up for the free module here!
2) Analysing Performance Data For School Leaders: A free CPD Toolkit from The Key (Coming soon!)
The Key for School Leaders provides busy school leaders with instant answers to their questions on all aspects of managing a school. We’ve partnered with The Key on their upcoming online CPD Toolkit: Analysing Performance Data. The toolkit will help you explain key attainment and progress measures, identify and explain common data interpretation misunderstandings, feel confident analysing and understanding your school’s data, and compare ASP with other free resources.
Sign up for the free module here! (coming soon, but there are plenty of other free CPD modules here)
3) How to use Arbor Insight: Free RAISEonline replacement training (at a school near you!)
As an accredited supplier of ASP data, we want to help ensure you know how to get the most out of your school’s free Arbor Insight portal - so we’re bringing training to school halls and classrooms across the country! We’ve created an agenda to tackle the key areas we know schools care about: planning resources and staffing, presenting a full and fair picture of your school’s performance to your governing body, and parental engagement. You’ll come away with with a deep understanding of how you can use the free dashboards and reports in Arbor to help you do this, as well as a plan of action made alongside Senior Leaders from nearby schools.
Click here to get your free ticket to your local Arbor Insight training session