3 Ways to Get Ahead on your Federal Contracts
Focusing Forward, Inc
A full service consulting company helping others win, grow and rescue federal contracts.
The rise of new #technologies and trends in the federal contracting world has made it increasingly tough to stay ahead of the game. It feels like the impossible deadlines, nagging bosses and clients, and never-ending paperwork has only gotten bigger. And if you have a separate business or outside job, well… good luck. The question remains, how do we keep up with dreams of pursuing that #federalcontract amidst all the chaos?
Here are 3 small steps you can take to streamline your success and make the most of your busy seasons.
1. Do research on the agencies you want to work with.
Doing prior research on agencies you want to work with is key for getting ahead, and is something you should always do before you start. A great way to start is by looking beyond forecasted contracts and asking yourself who are the incumbents? Knowing who holds existing contracts gives insight into who your competitors will be, as well as what skillsets or qualifications are necessary for future procurements. This will allow you to form a competitive edge over other bidders and increase your chances at winning contracts.
2. Network, network, network!
#Networking is the best way to break into your industry and meet the experts. Find oral presentations, meetings from contracting officers, #industry days...etc. Linkedin is your best friend, but don’t be afraid to reach out to people you know and ask what events they are attending this year. This month, the #GEOINT conference is taking place in St. Louis, MO. This is a gathering for people in the geospatial intelligence government and federal contracting community. Click here for more information.
P.S. We are partnering with Chief Consultant, Dave Fletcher at the GEOINT Symposium to bring you an opportunity to network, expand, and develop your business even if you are unable to attend. Reach out for more information.
3. Write proposals and prepare bids.
Writing up compliant #proposals takes time and skill. However, drafting the repeatable parts of your proposals can save hours of headaches later down the line when the bid is due. If you already have proposal templates, read through them and update as necessary. Little details like outdated services, expired licenses, etc. make your firm look sloppy and behind the eight ball. By standardizing your proposals, you also eliminate variables. This is handy when trying to figure out why something was rejected or accepted.
By taking small steps now, you will be able to tackle so much more when the busy seasons slow down and you actually have the time to focus on your journey. Happy contracting!
If you are looking for more guidance or one-on-one federal consulting, reach out to [email protected]