3 Ways to Feel Lucky In Your Career
Here we are in March already – a full year of quarantine, lockdown, work from home and the dreaded weight gain. Can you believe it?
Let’s take a moment to pause and remember the more than 500,000 lives lost and to those impacted. My heart goes out to all those in the extended Dare2Dream family, as well as our friends worldwide.
And let us not forget to give thanks to God for all that He has given us to get through this time in our lives:
“For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” –Jeremiah 29:11
How Do We Move Forward From Here?
I find the best way to look at how to move forward (and win!) is to consider the acronym coined by the famous Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz. He asked his athletes to ask themselves many times during the day:
“What’s Important Now?”
During COVID, the time spent away from routine work – yet while working at home – has caused many of us to ask ourselves, “What’s Important Now?” during our busy days.
Many long for their old, “normal” lives – but what if going back to the same old, same old is simply surviving?
What’s important now?
To thrive!
But how, you’re wondering?
“A person going nowhere can be sure of reaching his destination. Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase – just take the first step.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
I can help you take that very first important step!
Ask Yourself 3 Important Career Questions
In the Covid world we live in now, you may need to reevaluate your Dream Career and life goals. I want you to think about these three questions:
- Do I love the way I feel at work?
- Is my work adding value to the life I desire? Why or why not?
- Am I able to put the people and things I love the most (value the most) first?
Or am I making compromises that do not support #3 above?
If you did not like your answers, maybe it’s time for a change. Remember, every job hunter is running…towards (or away from) something. Every day you get to choose!
Spring: A Time for New Growth – Outside and In!
I love this acronym for MARCH:
M–Make it Happen
A–Ask for what you want
R–Remember how Awesome you are
C–Continue on your path, No Matter What
H–Hear from God and be obedient
Need Some Powerful Inspiration?
Check out Angel Richardson’s story in this article.
She found empowerment from simply hearing ‘welfare’ and ‘wealth’ in the same sentence, spoken by Iyanla Vanzant when she appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show.
Also, she identified with other words spoken by Vanzant:
“She was talking about when she was younger, she didn’t like the tone of her voice. I didn’t either. I thought it was too deep to be a girl. She didn’t like the texture of her hair. I didn’t either. She didn’t like the color of her skin. I didn’t either. It was like everything that she was saying was so me. But at the end of the day, she is sitting on the stage with Oprah Winfrey. Like how did she do this?”
How many can relate to that?
Richardson attributes her success to soaking in Vanzant’s words, but most importantly, to God, and her relationship which is strengthened by regular prayer and meditation.
She transformed her life and is not only thriving – but inspiring others too.
YOU can do the same!
Your Destination: A Dream Career
Here are 3 ways to move forward on your dream career:
- Get Clear on Your Dream.
- Decide Already.
- Do! Take inspired action.
Learn to develop a dreamer’s mindset. Don’t follow your dreams – chase them!
Mindset stems from our own set of powerful beliefs. A dream mentality assumes that views can be changed when they no longer allow us to achieve our goals.
Here are some ways you can take control of your mental attitude by operating from abundance, to foster a growth mindset:
Operate from Abundance:
- Write at least three things daily that you are grateful for (and watch the list grow as you make this a routine practice).
- Act with inspired action every day! No matter what, keep stepping forward toward your dreams.
- Make a decision and stick with it. We hurt ourselves and our dreams when we decide one day and then un-decide the very next day.
Imagine a new future where everything is possible! Now, let’s paint that picture, beginning today! In the words of Walt Disney,
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”
I’d love for you to check out my upcoming events & activities:
5-DAY “Jumpstart My Career Search” Challenge Save the Date – April 11 – April 17, 2021 - Tuesday, March 23, 12 noon -1pm EST
It’s time to JUMPSTART Your Career!
Join Here >> https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/M5ZgYwOm
Tuesday, March 30, 12 noon -1pm EST - Ask Anything Laser Coaching
Join Here >> https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/PDpA9Abp
Wednesday, March 31, 6pm EST - Mistakes to Avoid in Your Job Search
Join Here >> https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/PYB5KrqO
Dare2Dream Masterclass Series by Lisa Ealy
Saturday, March 27, 10am -11:45pm
Cash In On Your Career: STOP making the 3 BIG mistakes most Job Searchers make that hurt any chance of landing in your Dream Career! This is going to be a jammed packed virtual event where I am going to teach you how to make both a difference and dollars with your 6-Figure Career. RSVP: www.CashInOnYourCareer.com
5-Day Jumpstart Your Job Search Challenge! - April 12, April 17, 2021
In 5 days, get on track with a plan that will give you the quantum leap you need to move closer to your dream career. Registration begins March 22, 2021.
“Career Forward: Dream, Decide, Do” 2-Day Accelerator BootCamp - Coming July, 30, 31, August 1, 2021. Look for additional details soon!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! ??Blessings and love,
P.S. Stay connected with me on LinkedIn.