3 Ways To Fast For Immediate Life Transformation
Greater Life
As an entrepreneur over 50, your time is just beginning… Live the Greater Life
Fasting from these three things will immediately transform your health.
As you read these words I’m 42 days into a distilled liquids fast. The process of shifting over from burning food as fuel to giving my body the chance to return to its natural high-voltage electrical state has been quite a journey and one that is continuing.
I appreciate not everyone will have any desire to commit to a fast like this…but I am 99.9% sure that if you are reading these words there is some area of your life that would benefit from committing to at least a 7-day fast from one of the following:?
1 - Fast From Processed Foods
Health is our natural birthright. We are self-healing beings. When we give our minds, bodies and souls the conditions in which they can heal and revitalise…they will.
So this first fast honours one of the core principles of Greater Life: let the forces of nature shape you into a force of nature.
When it comes to our food, the further it is from its natural state…the more it is going to undermine your natural state of health.
This is why those who adopt a purely carnivorous diet…AND…those who adopt a purely raw vegan diet both report seemingly miraculous healings and health benefits. Why? Of course, we are all different and our systems respond to different stimuli in different ways…but the commonality between the seemingly at-odds two diets given here is that both cut out processed food.
So…what would you need to put in place around your diet and meal planning to explore how it feels to go for a week without eating processed foods…and if your system responds well, perhaps it could be something you might like to continue.
And if you think this is easy…and you already do it…I have two words: Refined Sugar.
If you ‘just have a bit of ketchup’ or a little drizzle of that pre-made honey mustard salad dressing…the refined sugar gravy train is rolling. It can be so tough to cut out because it’s so insidious. Cheap bread, most yoghurt…refined sugar in them all.
And I if you are willing to try this little non-processed protocol for seven days, I’d be fascinated to know how you experienced withdrawal from refined sugar. It was one of the hardest things for me without doubt.
2 - Fast From Digital Consumption??
Even as I have relished the lessons and experiences of a long fast…I certainly noticed other compensations creeping in when I was feeling wobbly about other areas of my life. Usually, I would have sedated from these feelings with sugar.??
Now…the Facebook doom scroll began to gain a foothold.
That shifted massively when I began to get the same dopamine rewards not from CONSUMPTION, but from CONTRIBUTION and CREATION. A commitment over the last week to really show up for Greater Life and the movement we are building…for our vision to host the world’s leading community for enterprising over 50s has seen me engaging with LinkedIn and creating videos in a way I’d not allowed myself to do before.
And the results have been profound. Wonderful conversations opened up, the seeds of opportunities germinating – all while ridding me of a blight that was significantly dragging down my mental health and devastating my capacity to focus.
Of course, I am not saying don’t engage on digital and social platforms – rather fast from engaging with them for any kind of consumption beyond finding ways to serve, support, make a difference and gather inspiration for content you might create and share. Here, we are fasting from the attitude of consumption and anchoring the attitude of Creation. I know which world I’d rather live in.
3 - Fast From Resentment
Yes, s*** may occur in your life that is devastatingly painful and traumatic. Yes, it may not be your fault.
And, always, you have a choice: to choose whether life happens ‘to you’ or ‘for you’.
One perspective will keep you stuck and disempowered, the other will support you in healing and moving forward.
And it can be so hard. Beyond words painfully hard…because when we strip everything away, we ultimately arrive at the question: is the universe a safe place to exist in?
And that is a choice we make real with our decision in every moment…to choose that we exist in a cosmos that responds to our consciousness – that will return to that consciousness whatever it is imprinted with, or to choose that we exist in a meaningless and random clockwork s***show that we are powerless to influence as it delivers violence and suffering to us.
Again, I know which worldview will serve me more in building the life and movement I dream of.
So I leave you with this: I cannot say with any certainty beyond my own personal experience that the idea that we live in a loving cosmos is true…but I can say that the single biggest factor that has me waking up every day grateful to take a breath and explore this incredible mystery of human incarnation is my choice to let go of all resentment about what may have occurred to me, to chose that my past is my power and that everything that occurs in my life is supporting me towards continuing to experience on a daily basis the more beautiful world my heart beats to help build.
So, whichever fast from the above you choose, I wish you every joy and that abundant vitality with which to experience that joy.
And follow the hashtags?#greaterlife?#helptheageless?#over50?#50plus #health #happiness #home #hustle