3 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Build An Audience

3 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Build An Audience

Instant gratification in the business world doesn’t exist.?

While it may appear to exist due to social media, if you’re looking to build a long term business, then you need to shift your focus.?

When I started my Facebook Group for female entrepreneurs a few years ago, I noticed that about 70% of these women were struggling to generate business using social media.

As I got to know them overtime, I understood why.

  1. They were solely focused on producing content.
  2. When they posted their content, they received zero interaction.
  3. That lead them to feeling defeated.

They were missing the connections.?

“How do I get engagement on my posts so that I can convert?”

An audience.

"I'm sick of the content creation rat race," as Cliff Nielson stated in a recent post... because it's an ineffective and exhausting method if you don't have an audience.

Content creation isn't BAD and I'm not saying you shouldn't create content, but if you solely focus on CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT, then you're forgetting about the people.

...leaving you feeling defeated and as if the time you spent was a complete waste.

I know of a few ways to help you build your audience without posting and hoping.

First, here’s what happens when you have an audience:

  1. The right people see your content
  2. The right people interact with your content
  3. The right people will be interested in your content
  4. The right people will turn into clients or customers
  5. The time you spend producing content will become valuable?

Posting and hoping is equivalent to seeking instant gratification.?

“If I just post a lot, then eventually people will buy.”

You’re setting yourself up for feelings of defeat, which can lead to depression, anxiety and zero sales.

Entrepreneurs need to recognize that building an audience takes time. You need to form a connection and develop rapport.?

This is going to lead to trust, which will result in increased social media engagement, opportunities and conversion.?

If you’re intimidated by the thought of building relationships, then think about the following:

You’re spending an insane amount of time creating awesome content that no one is reading, so imagine what could happen if you spend half of that time getting to know your target audience.

Wouldn’t they be more likely to see your content?

Here is where this article is going to get interesting.?

I’m going to keep this extremely simple. You don’t need to attend networking events or send 100 emails everyday. What you’re about to read are unconventional ways to grow your audience and form meaningful connections in less time with the goal of growing your audience.?



Social media is handing your audience to you for free on a silver platter. Connect with people for at least 5 minutes everyday by simply starting a conversation.?

Find posts that are in alignment to your business and see what people are talking about in the comments section. Challenge yourself to add to the conversation. If someone sparks your interest, send them a private message and begin building rapport.?

The more that you talk to people, the more that people will recognize your name.?

Start simple. Just begin talking.?


I’m a big fan of unconventional networking methods, so if you’re introverted like me or just super busy, then you’re going to like this one.?

You can attend daily or weekly virtual co-working sessions with other female entrepreneurs.?

Forget about the intimidating environment or added pressure of having to force conversations. Simply co-work from the comfort of your home using spaces like Hour League.?

If you consistently go to co-working sessions every Monday at 9 am for example, then you’re bound to see the same people.

Those people become familiar and you start to form a bond.

We tend to think of virtual co-working as a space to put your head down and double productivity.

While you’ll accomplish that, virtual spaces like Hour League will give you the opportunity to get support from other members if needed and interact with attendees on your own terms.?

Imagine you’re a brand strategist.

Someone may have a question about their branding throughout the co-working session and that gives you the opportunity to jump in and provide support.?

You can continue that relationship outside of the co-working session to build the relationship.?

This gives you the opportunity to invite this person to follow you on social media, which can result in more social media interaction, right?

But what if this person turns into your client and then they share their experience at the next co-working session?

Every person is a “web” of connections and you never know who someone knows.

The more that you get to know other people in unconventional environments, the easier it is to build your audience, as you’re establishing trust, rapport and credibility!?

If you want to give this a try, you should check out Hour League > HERE < for female entrepreneurs.


Attending virtual brainstorming sessions is a super easy way to grow your audience and gain visibility.

These sessions are essentially masterminds, where entrepreneurs with different areas of expertise come together to find solutions and move the needle forward, resulting in business growth.?

This will give you the opportunity to share your expertise, ask questions and form connections naturally with other CEO’s, Founders and action takers with knowledge in different industries.?

Think of the possibilities:

  • Who might someone be connected to that can help you gain visibility?
  • Better yet, what if someone reaches out to you directly after the event?

You don’t have to have a question to brainstorm when you attend these events.

Some people attend just to learn, to get to know other experts or to be of service.?

You may find collaborations, acquire new relationships that result in interviews, podcast features or referrals, which are all helpful when wanting to grow your audience.

I'm going to make it easy for you and share where to find these sessions.

Hour League hosts 12 virtual brainstorming sessions every month for female entrepreneurs!

You can sign up for the Hour League trial period > HERE < to see if it’s for you.


  1. Create a list of ways you may want to collaborate with people you meet. This allows you to be prepared and save time when contacting people. Collaborations are a great way to build your audience, as you’re leveraging their audience while providing value.?
  2. Think outside the box. Don’t just look for your target audience in events or on posts. Look for people that aren’t competitors who have a similar audience. That’s where those collaborations are going to help you accelerate your audience growth.?
  3. Give it time. Even if you form collaborations or get interviewed on someone’s podcast, you need to get to know your new audience to build rapport. That rapport will lead to increased engagement on your content, bringing this entire article full circle.?


If you want people to interact with your content, stop seeking instant gratification tactics that don’t work and start building an audience!

You can easily begin building an audience that wants to hear from you and refer you through Hour League virtual events for female entrepreneurs.

It's an amazing virtual resource that is changing the lives of female entrepreneurs everyday and helping them to build their businesses.

If you enjoyed this article, and are feeling excited about what's possible for you, then definitely check out the reviews > HERE < ?

Thank you for reading!

Sydney Nanberg

CEO and Founder of www.hourleague.com


