“What Makes you good, can never make you great” a quote that I heard few months back, helped me realise that, to move from an average life to exceptional needs a tremendous amount of things to change in between.?

It requires you to reject everything that is considered average. When you are building an Empire, “Average” is the least acceptable situation to be in. Because average means just busy enough to feel tired and worn out, but not busy enough to actually be fuelled and revived by higher levels of success. “Average” is a death sentence for extraordinary ambition and progress.

Here is how you take control and create more time in the day, so that you can put more hours on your best direction, which can help you to move from being an average to exceptional. Remember “Magic is someone spending more time on something, that anybody else can reasonably expect” Raymond Joseph Teller.


Tip #1: Cut out the time vampires

?No matter how much we complain about not having enough time in the day, most of us are still guilty of wasting time. Many of us have regular activities in our lives that we enjoy, but after some honest reflection, turn out to be nothing but a drain on resources. A couple of time-wasters here and there can devour hours of your life over the course of weeks or months. Even little things like social media or having a drink in the evening.

?Take a close look at what you do each day and ask yourself:

“How is this moving me towards higher levels of success?”

“Which of the 5 Pillars does this activity strengthen?”

If you have to sit there and scratch your head about how it’s helping you towards your goals… it’s probably not worth your time.

Reflect honestly on your daily and weekly routines. Are you spending lots of time scrolling through social media? Do you watch Netflix everyday? These are all examples of little time vampires that can snowball overtime and account for a mountain of time wasted.

?But even more important than the things you’re spending time doing are the people you’re spending time with. Do you need to send hundreds of texts or DMs per day to keep in touch with friends and family? Do you really need to go out partying on Friday nights? Do you need to stay up late and waste the following morning?


Tip #1 is all about learning to say “no.” Because building your Empire requires sacrifice. You’ll have to say “no” to yourself and others over and over again so you can keep saying “yes” to rising to higher levels of success.


Tip #2: Prioritize like your life depends on it

“You’re holding a grenade and pull the pin… now what do you do?”

?It’s not a trick question.

The answer is, “You throw it.”

But why am I bringing this up?

Because when it comes to prioritizing your activity, your top priority is to immediately resolve anything that is about to blow up in your face. Before you do anything else, you throw the grenade, then move on to the next thing… and the next… and the next.

?Prioritize your daily tasks based on what is;

1) most important and

2) most urgent.

Anything that’s about to blow up in your face, deal with it NOW.

It’s helpful to remember the 5 Pillars supporting your Empire:







You should be prioritizing your actions to support and grow all five of those pillars every single day. Succeeding in one or a few while neglecting the others is just as much a recipe for disaster as neglecting them all. Any weakness in your Empire will eventually lead to its downfall.

Tip #3: Stop trying to do everything


Ironically, getting more done means trying to do less.

What do I mean by that?

I mean that most of the things you “need to get done” don’t “need” to be done by YOU. Someone else could do them for you.

The idea of delegation just didn’t come naturally to me. I wanted to do everything. Because I believe no one can do better than me. But we have to be honest with ourselves. I couldn’t do everything all on my own. And while delegating was a difficult change for me, now that I have done it, I am never going back.

How many of these could you delegate right now?




·???????Cooking food

victory requires sacrifice. What are you willing to give up to watch your Empire prosper? For me, I had to give up my superman illusion and shed some of those responsibilities and prioritized the actions that are most critical for building and defending my Empire.

Delegation opens up your schedule to do more of what is most important that only you can do.

To your Breakthrough,

Ramesh Patra


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