3 Ways to Cope with Feeling Under-Appreciated as a Caregiver
You might feel as though many of your efforts aren't valued enough. These negative feelings could increase stress, which ultimately might lead to burnout. Although this is common for many caregivers, it's important to understand how to properly manage these feelings so that you can live a healthy and fulfilling life. Daily Caring shares a few ways you can cope with feeling under-appreciated as a caregiver.
1. Understand why your loved one won't show appreciation.
It might help to stop and think why your loved one shows little appreciation. For example, some seniors are in so much physical pain that they are only focused on their suffering. In other ways, those with cognitive disabilities like dementia might not be able to express or process a concept like appreciation. Unfortunately, many older adults resent getting help, and they might believe that your assistance is unnecessary. Whatever it may be, remember not to take things personally.
2. Make self-care a priority.
Because you're receiving a lack of appreciation from those around you, it's important to think about how much you've helped your loved one in need and decide to treat yourself often. Decide to watch your favorite movie or cook your favorite meal. It might even help to take walks around the neighborhood in the evening. Whatever you choose to do, make sure that it leaves you relaxed and rejuvenated.
3. Don't measure your performance in terms of your loved one's health.
Unfortunately, many chronic illnesses will inevitably get worse. With that being said, it's not fair to judge yourself based on your loved one's ability to recover. You're still making a great difference in their life! Don't wait until their health improves in order to show appreciation to yourself.
This Daily Caring article provides more helpful tips on how to cope with feeling under-appreciated as a caregiver. Remember, your efforts are still needed, even if your loved one lacks to say "thank you." Your work is valuable!
Visit Daily Caring for more information: https://ow.ly/3Zyq30kS6BHHow do you cope with these types of feelings? Share in the comments below!