3 Ways CBD Brands Can Boost Online Traffic & Sales During COVID-19
With no clear end in-sight of this COVID-19 business shutdown, CBD brands that had large chunks of brick-and-mortar revenue removed are looking to strategically pivot. It's safe to say that CBD brands across the board have seen an uptick in online traffic and sales due to social distancing and brick-and-mortar retailers being forced to close shop.
This leads us into the big question: using this recent burst of momentum, what should brands do to continue growing their online revenue streams? Here are three ways CBD brands can boost online traffic and sales during COVID-19 without having to leave their new home-offices:
Attention precedes all sales.
I recently heard the phrase, "If they don't know you, they won't flow you." If I don't know you, how could I ever know about how great your product is and all that it has to offer? If I don't know you, how could I understand your founder's story that lays the foundation for what your brand stands for? It sounds simple, but it's the 1st step of the sales cycle that a lot of us forget, skip over, or just assume that since we have a great product it will sell itself.
Break out of the white noise.
There are a lot of "brands" out there that were formed by someone who woke up one morning and decided they want to get into the "weed business" and get rich because that's what people in the "weed business" do, right? *Sigh* Unfortunately, this makes it harder for the brands with good intentions to receive the spotlight they need to grow and flourish. However, this doesn't mean it's impossible. This just means you need to level-up, and out work them to push your brand harder than ever and ensure people don't ever think twice about comparing your brand to theirs.
Establish credibility and trust.
With so many different brands and products to choose from, can you really be upset with consumers feeling overwhelmed by all the options on the market right now? The industry has been better about educating consumers over the last 8-12 months, but a majority of those who are new to CBD still have a tough time differentiating real from fake.
If you're looking for the "swiss army knife solution" that can handle all the above in one shot, consider earned media coverage. While the cost of entry of paid media is increasing, with Google and Facebook taking up most of the digital marketing space, earned media barriers to entry have remained the same. If your story is interesting, it gets printed. Earned media is just that - media coverage is earned when journalists decide that your story is thought-provoking or newsworthy.
Public relations done the right way supports your brand, creates and maintains your public image, and positions you as a leader in your industry - exactly what you want and need in the ever-growing cannabis space, especially right now.
The culmination of years in publicity, marketing, and sales has led Mike Mejer to connecting leaders within the cannabis space to media and press. Mejer’s cannabis-focused PR firm, Green Lane Communication connects industry leaders to earned media opportunities that position them to establish credibility and successfully penetrate one of the fastest growing verticals in today's marketplace.
To learn more, post your questions in the comments, message Mike directly on LinkedIn, or visit https://www.greenlanecommunication.com