3 Us - Update, Up-skill, and Up-grade: Secrets of Personal Growth, Professional Growth, and Business Growth
Dr. Suresh Shetye
Empowering Entrepreneurs to 10x Growth with MSBS Model ? 17-Week Guarantee ?? CEO ?? Partner Action Coach, USA? Author ? Speaker
Why should you build your skills before you edit your resume?
Why should you build your teams before you grow your business?
Why should you build your new habits before you create a life of abundance??
These questions have far-reaching impacts on people in their careers, businesses, and lives against the backdrop of new challenges in the new world of vulnerability, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. ????
Based on the ‘Future of Jobs 2020 Report’ published by The World Economic Forum, it was concluded that what used to be considered the “future of work” has already arrived. By 2025, automation and a new division of labor between humans and machines will disrupt 85 million jobs globally in medium and large businesses across 15 industries and 26 economies. Roles in areas such as data entry, accounting, and administrative support are decreasing in demand as automation and digitization in the workplace increase. More than 80% of business executives are accelerating plans to digitize work processes and deploy new technologies, and 50% of employers are expecting to accelerate the automation of some roles in their companies. In contrast to previous years, job creation is now slowing while job destruction is accelerating.
The scenario ahead is promising yet it is full of risks. Therefore, risk management in light of the emergence of AI is going to be critical competence.
Denis Waitley has rightly said that "All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners. Looking for new skills, insights and ideas. If they're not learning, they're not growing and not moving toward excellence.
AI will not replace your job, the person who knows AI will replace your job.
In days to come, the old idiom “survival of the fittest” would strongly emerge once again as the guiding principle and force for corporate professionals, business entrepreneurs, and individuals who are serious to remain competitive, relevant and competently fit in their jobs, businesses, and lives respectively. ?
The following scenarios are often observed:
a.????Some professionals are stuck in their careers.
b.????Some business entrepreneurs are stuck in their businesses.
c.????Some people are stuck in their lives.
They are unable to move ahead towards growth or make any headway and they find themselves struggling and stressed. There are several reasons for getting stuck. However, one of the reasons for relying on their basic education was pursued years ago without investing in themselves for further education and skill/competence development and finding the conventional skills outdated in the workplace.
Defining the purpose enables the individual to get on a well-crafted path. The absence of purpose leads to the absence of goals and it becomes a major reason for corporate professionals, business entrepreneurs, and individuals for their current situation.
The research shows that successful people in the world have one common thing they have relentlessly focused on continuous education, continuous up-skilling, and continuous upgrading by keeping their eyes on their goals. I attribute my success to investing in 3 Us for the last three decades. It helped me to stay confident in every challenging situation while addressing my client’s objections and queries in the business coaching as well as responding to the employees and various stakeholders during my association with corporates. I found 3 Us is a secret of my personal, professional, and business growth after taking a break from my fat salary job well before the age of superannuation and setting up three organizations in the last seven years.
3 Us are update, up-skill, and up-grade, a pre-requisite for transforming the individual in his career, business, and life.
To stay relevant, competitive, and adaptable,
Up-date, Up-skill & Up-grade yourself
in the ever-evolving and highly competitive VUCA world. These 3 Us act like safety devices and additional gear for fast-paced careers and businesses. It would help you secure your future and stay most viable and relevant without any risk of job loss or getting stuck in business and life. Nevertheless, you would be one of those early starters leading and ruling your jobs, businesses, and life.
To keep pace with advancements in technology, knowledge & best practices. Update systems, software & information to ensure the latest features, security patches, and improvements. It helps you stay efficient, minimize vulnerabilities, and take advantage of new opportunities. Focus on reading, browsing, and reviewing current global trends and examine where your career, business, and life are heading.
Continuous learning and upskilling are essential for personal and professional growth. Acquiring relevant new skills, expanding the knowledge base, and improving your expertise increases your ability to tackle new challenges. Upskilling allows you to stay competitive, adapt to changing job requirements, and seize emerging opportunities. Focus on learning new skills, automation, social media content, artificial intelligence, and unlearning outdated skills.
Developing new abilities within and the application in your job, business and life would be a pre-requisite to enhance performance, efficiency, and functionality - from hard skills and soft skills including process improvements. This helps optimize productivity, enhance user experiences, and ensure compatibility with new technologies, leading to improved outcomes and desired growth in career, business, and life respectively. Focus on learning the competencies of your boss’s boss in the corporate job, focus on learning the perceived value and emerging expectations of your customers, and finally focus on learning new dimensions of relationships, and personal styles of your stakeholders in your life. ?
Embrace the practices of updating, upskilling, and upgrading to remain dynamic and enthusiastic in today’s fast-changing world.
Empowered Individuals are a must for every business organization to get align with the business vision by remaining up-to-date, versatile, and adaptable, fostering growth, innovation, and success in one’s domain of expertise.
The Rationale for 3 Us
As the workplace evolves, it's more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve and actively upskill and upgrade our knowledge and skills. With the advancement of technology, learning new tools and staying up to date with the latest trends can help you stay relevant in the ever-changing landscape of business. Upgrading our skills and staying relevant is key to staying competitive in the job market. The benefits of upskilling and staying informed can include having the necessary skills to land higher-paying roles, staying ahead of the competition, and furthering our career opportunities.
Employers are recognizing the value of offering career development opportunities and other benefits to their most valued employees. From investing in new technology and resources to offering flexible working options, there are many ways employers can help employees stay at the top of their game.
What if you unexploited 3 Us?
As the job landscape changes and technology advances, understanding the consequences of not updating skills and knowledge is essential for success. Not updating yourself on the newest trends and not upskilling now can have serious repercussions in your career, business, and life. ?
Not updating yourself, not up-skilling yourself, and not upgrading yourself would lead to:
It’s no secret: the corporate and business world is constantly changing. But what happens if you don't stay up-to-date with the latest trends? Not updating and not upskilling can have severe consequences for your career, your?business, and your life. 3 Us is a need of the hour. It demands passion, interest, a curious mind, a clearly defined purpose, and an eye on the future. ?When you focus on 3 Us, you focus on your personal growth, professional growth, and business growth.
About Author
Suresh is spearheading his mission in his current role as AI-compliant Business Coach/Executive Coach: To help one lakh business owners to grow businesses and live a life of abundance. He helps business entrepreneurs and corporate leaders who are eager to grow in their businesses and careers through his coaching framework supported by ActionCOACH, the world’s leading brand in business coaching. His versatile experience of over four decades in business HR, OD, Leadership Development, Learning & Development, TQM, and Business Excellence provides him with a competitive advantage, and multiple opportunities to extend the entire gamut of knowledge, wisdom, and exposure to his clients as part of his Unique Value Proposition (UVP) with an assured 10x value to the customers on their hard-earned investment.
Suresh is reachable at [email protected]
Visit: www.boomstride.com
Product Management at Boomi | iPaaS | Agilist
1 年That all 3 aspects - Personal, Professional, and Business need to be considered to get unstuck resonates with me. I’m inspired by your post that has brought them together on a professional platform. Thanks for sharing Suresh Shetye.
Chief of Staff & Quality Head at Deccan Group
1 年Agreeing to ur post sir. If u dont use the u's u would be replaced by someone whose using those u's.....
Empowering Entrepreneurs to 10x Growth with MSBS Model ? 17-Week Guarantee ?? CEO ?? Partner Action Coach, USA? Author ? Speaker
1 年Looking for insightful content on business scaling up, leadership development and driving the team to excellence, please Follow me @Suresh Shetye and click on the ??on my profile to receive my posts. If you find this message insightful?? please share with your network to show your support. ??
Scientist at MPPCB
1 年Interesting! Very nice??????
1 年Well said sir