The 3 tutors of thinking
“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Buddha
?Peter Drucker anticipated the turbulent times ahead, and in 1980 he advised business-leaders to concentrate on managing innovation and change. His advice is still valid. However, a close sequence of 3 global crises, the devastation of several vicious wars, the challenge to the dominance of the dollar, bring to a close globalization as we have known for the past decades. We now toil in tempestuous times.
Prof. Klaus Schwab, the Founder and the Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum wrote that leaders ?need to reflect, to reimagine, and to reset our world.
To reflect, to reimagine, and to reset the vigor and the vitality of their enterprise, I advocate that business-leaders use my 3 <tutors of thinking>, as outlined hereafter.
? Reflect: the tutor of systemic and strategic thinking.
In the 60s, to M.I.T.’s Prof. Jay Forrester posited that management is a complex system. Since globalization, innovations, and systemic shifts have exacerbated the constantly changing complexity of our business environment.
As submitted by G. Probs and A. Bassi, the systemic approach enable us to tackle complexity. We need to visualize the mega-trends, and the market-forces. A systemic approach should unblock views that may be constricted by narrow focus, by short termism, and by singular agendas. Often people readily agree on big issues, and then desperately disagree on details.
The strategic approach enable business-leaders at the different levels and in the different functions to reflect on how best to run the interactions on the ring of the <five forces of enterprise>, which drive the enterprise’s business system: namely:
? the people – the power of the strategic resources?-
the practices of management – the external partners – the products.
?Of course, at a given time, people operate one or several of the <five forces of enterprise>, however they must be able, willing, and ready to cooperate on all of the <five forces of enterprise> in order to optimize interactions, and to achieve collectively superior and sustainable creation of the business-value. Thusly, the <tutor of systemic and strategic thinking> contributes to the connectivity of the <five forces of enterprise>.
The <five forces of enterprise> are broad headings, and as such they are difficult to manage. So we break them down each of the <five forces of enterprise> into 5 <force components>.
Reimagine: the tutor of synergistic and supportive thinking.
To reimagine the management-system, and to boost its resilience, its agility, and its innovativeness, business-leaders at the different levels and in the different functions must drill down the detail. To this effect, the <tutor of synergistic and supportive thinking> breaks down each of the <five forces of enterprise> into the 5 <force components> that power them.
I have developed an original model of 5 <force components> that drive each of the <five forces of enterprise>. Let me just point out that a comprehensive, connective, and collectively shared understanding of the <force components> and of their performances enhances the ?transparency of the process of management, and thusly?boosts people’s motivation, mutual support, and their collective creativity and agility. I will briefly outline each of these models in the following articles of this series.
Reset: the tutor of stimulating and satisfying thinking.
? “Companies cannot perform unless they perform together” Arthur Andersen
?Time used to butterfly, but now it has turned on the booster and it zooms. In addition to connectivity and to creativity, the enterprise needs celerity to sustain successes. So, after breaking down the <five forces of enterprise> in their <force components>, we break the organization into teams that operate and that cooperate at the different levels and in the different functions. Then, we implement agile management’s decentralizing, delayering, and delegating powers to the teams, and we structure, we synergize, and we support them on the?5 <value-chains>.
Our third tutor of thinking helps to reset as appropriate the commitment, the cooperation, and the collectively creativity of agile teams with “t.r.u.s.t.”, i.e. team-spirit, respect, urgency, support, and thrust of excellence.
My 3 <tutors of thinking> underpin the concept and the construction of my “The Five Forces of Enterprise>, which help business-leaders to optimize the connectivity, the creativeness, and the celerity of their organization.
?M.I.T Prof. Jay Forrester submitted that management is a complex system. “The Five Forces of Enterprise”, my new book, tackles the complexity of our tempestuous times with a set of congenial, connective, and creative approaches.
?This article,?# 3 of a series, highlights?some of the original approaches?presented my new book, “The Five Forces of Enterprise. The book has just been released in hardcover 337 pages $22, and ebook $ 10 or the equivalent in your local currency. Its readers are cordially invited to join my LinkedIn group “The Five Forces of Enterprise”, and to share and to discuss ideas and insights on big business issues such as discussed in this book.
?To see the articles that I posted on LinkedIn just click on Dr. Willy A. Sussland, scroll down to activities, and then to articles. My next article discusses the first of the <five forces of enterprise>, namely: <The paradigm of personnel’s performance potential>.