3 Truths of Life: Posts of Pravin Agrawal

3 Truths of Life: Posts of Pravin Agrawal

Here's - 3 Truths of Life: Posts of Pravin Agrawal.

And some true incidents!

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing time to time which are containing the word of Truths of Life.

Some of them are repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

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15 December 2023

When one knows 3 truths of life?

*When one is going to die!

Then one understands!

These 3 truths of life-

I don't know anything!

I don't have anything!

I can't do anything!

*Then one repents and weepsI couldn't know anything!

I couldn't have anything!

I couldn't do anything!

I am departing with nothing!

*Then one understands-

Whatever I knew, that was futile!

Whatever I had, that was futile!

Whatever I did, that was futile!

*Then one understands-

Now it is too late to do anything!

Now I am departing from world!

Taking nothing with empty hands!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

14 December 2023

When I experienced these 3 truths: True Incident

*I lost my beloved father during the year 1989. I was very shocked and very sad during those


*I was under contemplation of Sri Krishna or Almighty during those days most of the time

thinking like this-

*Where does a person go after the death?

Who created this world?

Why this world full of sorrows was created.

What is God?

Who is God?

What is Atma?

*Many other questions I used to think and I wanted to find out the reply.

*By the grace of God I was having something. I was knowing something. I could do something.

All as per normal people.

*It may be an incident of 1989-90.

One day I was thinking about all these questions.

Suddenly I felt that I would not survive.

My life was going to end.

*Then I experienced-

I don't know anything.

I don't have anything.

I can't do anything.

*I became helpless.

Then beloved Krishna came for my rescue. He came for my help. He showered His grace on


*These are 3 truths of life which everyone will experience one day.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


21 November 2023

Don't go for Artificial Intelligence

*Go for Natural Intelligence!

Don't go for Artificial Intelligence!

*Artificial Intelligence!

That may enslave you!

You may be bound!

In cycle of birth death!

It may not free you!

*But Natural Intelligence!

It will certainly free you!

*At present you are trapped!

In the cycle of birth and death!

Natural intelligence informs this!

*What is natural intelligence?

Be original, live original!

Don't be artificial!

Don't wear the masks!

Live natural life!

Be truthful to you and other!

Thus remain in self!

Thus know the self!

Thus know who you are!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


19 November 2023

Vidhi Nishedh

*What is Vidhi Nishedh?

What is prescribed!

What is not prescribed!

That's called Vidhi Nishedh!

*Only for ordinary people!

Vidhi Nishedh prescribed!

Not for Atma-Gyani!

Not for Self-realized!

*Self-realized or Atma-Gyani!

He doesn't require anything!

He doesn't require to live!

He doesn't require to die!

He is beyond life and death!

*He doesn't require to eat food!

He doesn't require to drink water!

He doesn't require to speak!

He doesn't require to do any work!

*For him name of Krishna!

That is food and water!

For him Remembrance of Krishna!

That is life and breathe!

*He eats food for others!

He drinks water for others!

He speaks only for others!

He works only for others!

For him nothing is required!

*For him nothing is good or bad!

For him nothing is true or false!

*For him everyone in his dream!

For him everything in his dream!

For him only he exists!

For him nothing else exists!

*He is just seeing a dream!

Of this beautiful universe!

Since he came to know this truth!

At initial stage itself of Atma-Gyan!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


23 FEB 2021

How my Spiritual Birth took place?

I was very weak person. I couldn't talk about the death of anyone. I couldn't listen about the

death of anyone. I couldn't read about the death of anyone.

I couldn't see the death of anyone, even in the movie. Even after my marriage it was very

difficult for me to see any movie having bloodshed. Some times it was very awkward for my wife

to see the movie along with me since I used to start crying after seeing all such scenes in the

movie. Some times I simply used to come out of the Cinema Hall during such scenes leaving my

wife alone. Even I couldn't see the blood of anyone. I couldn't kill even the ant.

During my childhood one of my friend fell down from the roof of his house when he was flying

the kite. He was admitted in the hospital. I went to see him and became unconscious. I fell down

on the floor of the hospital just after seeing him.

During my high school I had opted Biology as a subject. There I had to do dissection of frog

since it was a part of course. I couldn't see the blood of the frog. I couldn't do the dissection of

the frog. Hence I left Biology.

In the year 1989 in the month of December there was catastrophe in my life. I couldn't see the

death of my father to whom I loved too much. I was extremely shocked.

I was in too much grief like Arjuna.

I decided that I couldn't be alive without him. I couldn't forget his death in spite my best efforts to

forget. Day and night, twenty four hours I remembered his death and thought I would also die.

Thus I had very much fear of death. I couldn't forget my death even for a moment. Some times I

thought to jump from the railway bridge to Yamuna river to end my life. I prayed to Almighty to

resolve my plight.

Thus my prayer continued.

My condition was like Raja Parikshit in Bhagavad who had got only seven days of his life after

that he had to die due to the curse of Shringi Rishi. You may see this story by Google search.

Krishna is very kind hearted. I continued to remember Sri Krishna. He melted. Like He came to

save Draupadi. He came to save me to end my agony. Since He has promised in Gita. Thus he

became my greatest Guru, my beloved teacher. I could see the truth of many Shloka of Gita

during this period.

Then, I knew the reality of this world as a dream. Hence I left my home during the year 1990 like

Buddha did, leaving my two kids and went Mount Abu to take Sanyas. But due to the mercy of

Sri Krishna, one kind hearted Mahatma ji had shown me the correct path. He told me- You are

talking about Gita but Gita is full of Karma Yoga. You are talking about Sanyas leaving your wife

and two small kids. You have come here leaving your biggest duty, your Karma. Thus you have

done a great sin. Go back to your home!

It took from December 1989 to February 1990. During this period I had many divine


My Spiritual Birth took place on the auspicious day Maha Shivaratri in the year 1990.

Wishing You Happy Dussehra.


17 September 2023

Death is advantage, Life is loss

*Body is not asset!

Your body is liability!

*Death is advantage!

Life is loss!

*This is very much true!

For a liberated person!

Since he will be in bliss!

Merged in Almighty!

After the death for ever!

*Since body is like a prison!

Your body is Karma Bandhan!

*You are trapped in your body!

You feel pain and pleasure!

Due to your body!

*Old age painful due to body!

Disease painful due to body!

*Ashtavakra right in saying!

Main reason of your bondage!

Desire of life!

Else you are always liberated!

*You are always without pain!

Since nature of Atma joyful!

But you feel pain due to body!

You are Atma, soul not a body!

*Birth and death!

Process of refinement!

After every birth!

*Sthapana of Ganesha!

Like you take birth!

Visarjan of Ganesha!

Like your death!

*Life is to celebrate!

By loving each other!

Thus rejoice the life!

During joy and sorrow!

*Celebrate Ganesh Festival!

Remember this truth!

Thus always celebrate!

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

3 September 2023

What is Sanatan Dharma?

*Everyone is Sanatan. Hence everyone is in Sanatan Dharma.

*If you forget your grandfather, truth will not change. You will remain grandson of your


Your ignorance will not change the truth.

*Do you know what is Sanatan?

Do you know what is Sanatan Dharm?

*Self, Atma, Supreme Soul, Paramatma, Almighty God, Sri Krishna, Sri Rama, Shiva, Vishnu,

Ganesh, all these are Sanatan.

*In fact everyone is Sanatan since everyone is Self, Soul or Atma.

*Sanatan means never ending, who was never born, who will never die. Who always exists.

That is called Sanatan. That may be invisible for sometimes due to your ignorance but remains

always. That is known as Sanatan.

That may disappear for you only due to your ignorance but can not be ended.

*Fire can't burn it, water can't wet it, air can't dry it, sword can't cut it. Nothing can destroy it. No

one can destroy it.

That is called Sanatan.

*Sanatan means life values which keep it alive for ever.

Sanatan means life values which keep you alive for ever.

Else you will be destroyed but not your Atma which is Sanatan.

Thus you will keep on learning the lessons till you come from ignorance to light.

And that is eternal knowledge.

*Sanatan means eternal Dharma. If you follow it, you will survive. Else you will be destroyed but

not your Atma.

*Only Sanatan remains for ever.

No one else can remain for ever.

*Sanatan welcomes you from every religion, every nation, every language, every gender, every

races, every caste, every color, etc.

*Sanatan embraces everyone.

Sanatan loves everyone.

*Sanatan unites.

Sanatan never divides.

*Sanatan is eternal knowledge.

Sanatan is eternal light to finish the darkness of ignorance.

*Sanatan never sees any difference between humans.

Sanatan loves all humans, animals, birds, trees, plants, ants, all the creatures.

*Not only this Sanatan loves even a stone and a particle of dust seeing God inside it.

*Sanatan welcomes everyone from every religion, every nation and gives respect to them.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


16 August 2023

You can not be scene

*You can not be Drishya!

You can not be scene!

*Drishya is only for entertainment!

It may be good or bad like movie!

*World is full of Drishya!

Drishya means scenes!

Drishya of floods!

Drishya of fire!

Drishya of war!

Drishya of conflict!

Drishya of politics!

Drishya of show business!

Drishya of ego of people!

Drishya of chaos!

Drishya of rat race etc!

*Your body is Drishya!

Body of everyone is Drishya!

Everything visible is Drishya!

*Drishya has no life!

Drishya is just visible!

But it does not exist!

Like dream you see!

*Every scene is just visible!

But it does not exist!

It seems to be visible!

Like rainbow seems to be visible!

Like sky seems to be blue!

Like mirage in the desert!

Like dream seems to be visible!

Like movie is visible!

*You can't be Drishya!

You can not be scene!

You are seer of scenes!

You are Drishta of Drishya!

*Aim of your birth!

On planet earth!

To know this truth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


27 July 2023

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma

*Hindu, Muslim, Christian etc are not Dharma. Knowing yourself is Dharma.

Not knowing yourself is Adharma.

*When you know that you are not human. You are soul. Soul has no religion. Then you come in

the light. Then darkness of your ignorance is removed. Then you come in the light of


*Purpose of your birth on this beautiful planet earth is to know this truth.

Only for this purpose many religions have been created.

*But you have forgotten this truth. Need of the hour is to know this truth.

Main reason of chaos in entire world is ignorance. Child touches the fire till he does not know

that it can burn. When he knows that fire can burn his fingers, he never touches the fire in his


*Same is the case with you. When you know that ignorance can burn you. Then you try to come

in the light of knowledge.

*This knowledge is called Adhyatma Vidya. It is the king of every available knowledge on the

planet earth. It is the most secret, most sacred knowledge. It is the divine knowledge. When you

come in the light of this knowledge, you become divine. You are already divine. Then you know

this truth.

*How to gain this knowledge?

See everything as it exists in its true form. Don't do any mixing. Remain original. Don't be

artificial. Be natural. Practice this knowledge again and again daily. Try to remember that you

are not human or body. Always try to remember that you are soul, self or Atma. Practice this

knowledge again and again daily.

*Can you forget that you are man or woman? In the same way, always remember you are self,

consciousness, awareness, soul or Atma not the human or body. Don't see the profit of your

body. See the profit of your soul, self.

*Wrong practice has caused your ignorance. Right practice will bring you in this knowledge.

Hence practice this knowledge again and again Daily.

*The root cause of every pain, sorrow, misery is ignorance.

Remove your ignorance!

Come in the light of this knowledge!

It is the purpose of your birth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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22 July 2023

You are aware of experience

*Whatever you see in the dream. That is your experience of dream. You are knower, knowing

and object of knowing in the dream. During the dream you feel that you are different. At that

time you are not aware about this. When you wake up, you know this truth. Then you are aware

of this truth.

*You are doer, doing and work in the dream.

During the dream you feel yourself different. At that time you are not aware about this. When

you wake up, you know this truth. Then you are aware of this truth.

*In the same way you are knower, knowing and object of knowing. You are doer, doing and

work. But you do not know this truth. You are not aware about this. When you know that you

are not a body, you are soul. Then you wake up from the dream of this life. Then you know this

truth. Then you are aware of this truth. Then you know that you are pure awareness. Then you

know that you are knowledge itself.

*Then you know that knower, knowing and knowledge are not different than you. Hence they do

not exist. They are your imagination.

*If you do not exist. Then world does not exist. When you exist, only then world exists. This

world is in your knowledge.

You are not in the knowledge of the world.

You say that world exists. World doesn't say that you exist. You are aware about the world.

World is not aware about you. You are awareness.

*When body does not exist. Then attachment does not exist. During dream attachment with

body and relatives of body does not exist. During deep sleep attachment with body and friends

of body does not exist.

After death attachment with body and relatives of body does not exist. Body is ego. Body is your

imagination. World is your imagination. You are soul, Atma.

*When ocean considers itself a bubble. Then its sorrows start. When you consider yourself a

body, your sorrows start. You are not a body. You are soul, Atma.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


What Is Meditation?

Merely sitting at any place for one or two hours or more duration is not meditation.

It is something more than it.

You are sitting for meditation but your mind is wandering in other places. It is not a meditation.

Meditation is when your mind is focused in your actual reality. You may get temporary benefit

from this. But you can't get permanent advantage by this type of meditation. Moreover you can't

get spare time for such meditation in the busy life of today.

Reply me one question. You are man or woman. Do you need any meditation to remember this?

Similarly you have to know yourself, your true identity. That is the purpose of meditation.

Remember that you are the Self, soul or Atma. You are not merely a body. You have to

remember this truth. You have to forget your wrong identity. You have to remember your true

identity. You are consciousness, Self, Chinmay or Atma. You have to remember this truth.

This can be done any time. Even if you are not sitting for meditation you can do this. During

eating, walking, reading or doing any other work you can remember this truth. Hence no need of

sitting for hours for doing meditation.

In family life you are having many other works. Hence it is not possible to sit for meditation for

hours. Just remember this fact that you are Self, consciousness, Atma or Soul. Try to remember

this every time while doing any work. Keep this in mind. Thus one day you can know that you

are not merely a body, you are self, Soul or consciousness.

Meditation is done by body. But the purpose of meditation is to forget the body.

You have to remember that you are soul, Self or Atma.


8 April 2023

God in Other Dimension or Realm

*Almighty exists!

God exists!

*But in other dimension!

But in other realm!

*Which we can't understand!

Which is beyond our minds!

*Our dimension is different!

His dimension is different!

*Our dimension changes!

As per our state!

As per level of consciousness!

*In waking we are in different dimension!

In dream we are in different dimension!

In deep sleep we are in different realm!

*But we remain same!

In our all dimensions!

In our all realms!

And that is our actual Reality!

*Purpose of birth on this earth!

To know this truth in this life!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


7 April 2023

Don't be attached in children, parents

*Attachment is the cause!

Of all the pain, miseries!

*Don't be attached to!

Your children!

Your parents!

Your spouse!

Your siblings!

Your relatives!

Your friends!

*Don't be attached!

To things, property, wealth!

*Don't be attached!

To popularity, name, fame!

*Don't be attached!

To post, designation etc!

*Don't be attached!

To your leadership, stardom!

*Don't be attached!

To this world since it is illusion!

*And above all!

Don't be attached!

To your body!

That is root of all miseries!

*If you are attached!

To anyone, anything!

Then you are trapped!

*Always remember!

Person, thing, circumstance!

Which gives you maximum pleasure!

It will give you maximum pain of missing!

*One who is attached!

He suffers too much sorrows!

While departing from this earth!

*Attach to one and only one Almighty!

Which is Self, Supreme Soul!

In every religion, nation!

*Know this truth in this life only!

Since it is very purpose of birth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


7 April 2023

Three Types of Death

*Death is of 3 types!

First, death of ignorant!

Second, death of devotee!

Third, death of enlightened!

*Death of ignorant!

He feels too much pain!

At the time of death!

Due to leaving his!

Beloved persons, things!

*Death of devotee!

He does not feel pain!

At the time of death!

He leaves body easily!

*He departs in the aeroplane!

Decorated with the flowers!

Sent by his beloved God!

This is visible only to him only!

He enjoys pleasure after death!

In the abode of his beloved God!

*He enjoys pleasure!

In the world of his beloved God!

When he knows that he is Atma!

He mixes in Brahman, Almighty!

*Death of enlightened!

He departs with pleasure!

As he has no attachment!

He immediately mixes in bliss!

In the infinite Brahman!

Thus he becomes Almighty!

In infinite Sat Chit Anand!

*How a person enjoys?

Pain and pleasure!

After death!

*A person is not this visible body!

He is subtle invisible body!

Which feels pain, pleasure!

Even after the death!

*Purpose of birth of everyone!

On this beautiful planet earth!

To know this truth!

During this life only!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


28 March 2023

Scenes do not exist!


*Only one Atma exists!

That is Paramatma!

Nothing else exists!

Scenes do not exist!

*That Paramatma!

You can call Him!

Almighty or God!

Of any religion!

*That Paramatma!

He is seeing this world!

In His dream!

We all in His dream!

*Those who are in His dream!

They consider world true!

Those who know this fact!

They don't consider world true!

*When any one knows this!

He merges in the!

Infinite ocean of Almighty!

*That Paramatma!

You can call Him Krishna!

Any Goddess, Shiva!

Vishnu or any other God!

*Aim of birth of every one!

On this beautiful planet earth!

To know this truth!

To merge in Him!

*This is possible!

Only in this life!

Not after the death!

*If you share this post!

It will itself be a worship!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


29 January 2023

Same Person Repents

*The person who insults you!

The person who cheats you!

*Same person repents one day!

This is truth of life you may see!

*Nature sets right everything!

Hence don't worry! Be happy!

*It is due to his ignorance!

Any one insults you!

Any one cheats you!

*When his ignorance is removed!

He repents on his Karma one day!

Hence don't worry! Be happy!

*God makes such a person a tool!

To make you more stronger!

To finish your worldly attachment!

*Never see body of such person!

See soul in him! See God in him!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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26 January 2023

True Incident : Krishna is Ultimate Truth

*On this auspicious day of Vasant Panchami,

I feel myself too much blessed! I feel myself so much fortunate! As I could know the truth about

beloved Sri Krishna! I am sharing this very very secret and sacred truth!

*Lord Sri Krishna is the ultimate truth. You may believe or not. If you believe it will be your

advantage only. If you do not believe, it will be your disadvantage only.

*I have myself witnessed in my life many incidents and miracles about my beloved God Lord Sri

Krishna! They may be about one hundred in number. I cannot share all of these. But I have

shared only a few out of these.

*Sri Krisna Himself has lived inside my body two times in my life. Both the times for many days. I

could feel these miracles very very clearly. He lived inside my body not for one or two minutes.

But he lived for many days on both the occasions.

*Initially first time He lived during the year 1990 when he blessed me with Atma-Gyan ie

Self-realization. Then He had shown me His very lovely form served by many Gods and sages.

This I have already shared with you.

*Second time during the year 2017 on the auspicious occasion of Happy Deepavali. In details

may share with you on some other occasion.

*Have faith on Lord Sri Krishna!

He is the only refuge!

Believe on my words!

*Happy Vasant Panchami.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


24 January 2023

True Incident : Divya Shakti Exists

*Divya Shakti exists and miracles are the result of such divine power.

*But they also exist in ignorance. They also exist in the duality.

*Real truth is that there is no duality. Only one Almighty God exists.

*There have been several occasions when I could read the mind of the other person. But this is

nothing but intuition.

*One can read Bhav or thought of another person.

*It may be the incident of more than 10 years ago. Once I went to a grocery shop to purchase

some item. I was dressed like an Officer. I could read his thought. He considered me as a Sales

Tax Officer.

He was fearful for some moments.

But I relaxed him.

*I told him that I wanted to purchase some item.

*This is only a small incident.

There are several such instances in my life which proves similar cases. And one of them is

major one which I do not want to share as of now.


22 January 2023

Levels of Understanding

*At some level!

Ghosts exist!

*At some level!

Ghosts do not exist!

*At some level!

This world exists!

*At some level!

This world does not exist!

*At some level!

Your body exists


*At some level!

Your body does not exist!

*Truth for you exists!

As per your level of understanding!

*But the ultimate level!

Of understanding!

But the ultimate level!

Of truth!

Only one Almighty exists!

And nothing else!

*This is the aim of life!

This is the purpose of your birth!

To know this truth!

To understand this fact!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


15 Jan 2023

True Incident : When Krishna trained me

*Today on this very auspicious day of Makar Sankranti I am sharing a very true incident of my

life. I never wanted to share this. But I could not stop myself without sharing the glory of my

beloved Guru Lord Sri Krishna!

*This is my true experience, true incident. When I was posted in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat during

the year 19989-90. I used to be very sad, full of sorrows due to sad demise of my father. I used

to remember Lord Sri Krishna, God, Paramatma most of the time. I used to remain under

contemplation about God, existence of Atma and Paramatma.

*During those days I experienced this true incident. Sri Krishna used to impart training of

Spirituality to me. Initially He examined me. He tested me. He used to ask many questions to

test me. His questions were about existence of divine, Atma, God, Paramatma, Almighty and


I used to reply.

*During those days there were two souls in my body- First of myself and second of Lord Sri

Krishna! There were two souls in my body for many days during this duration!

*He lived inside my body for many days for imparting this training. He used to talk to me. I used

to reply His every question. When I was fully trained and I passed His examination, He left my

body after many days. Then my eyes were full of tears for many days. I was weeping for many

days as I missed my beloved Krishna from my body.

I became like dead after missing my beloved Krishna from my body.

*Sri Krishna is so much merciful. He is so kind. Words can't express His beauty, His mercy or


*During this period I myself realized the truth of these verses mentioned in Bhagavad Gita :

*The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of

all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy. - 18/61

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? ? ?

*Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of

knowledge the darkness born of ignorance. - 10/11

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? ? ?

*To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by

which they can come to Me. - 10/10

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? ? ?

*My infinite love, thanks and Pranam for beautiful lotus feet of my beloved Krishna always, for


*Wishing You Happy Makar Sankranti.

*Jai Sri Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


11 DEC 2022

True Incident : When I was too much sad

During the year 1990-91 in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat I was too much sad, full of sorrows after the

sad demise of my father. Sometimes I wanted to end my life. I used to consider myself most

sad, most unhappy person in the entire universe.

Most of the times I was busy in contemplation of Almighty.

Once I was engaged in the prayer of beloved Lord Sri Krishna.

All of the sudden I was filled with sacred divine bliss!

I tasted the divine nectar with the immense mercy and blessings of beloved Sri Krishna!

My sorrows were converted in to immense divine joy. It appeared to me that there was no

sorrows, no sadness, no unhappiness.

I was feeling that I was the most happy person on the earth!

I was feeling that I was the most fortunate person in the entire universe!

I was full of divine joy for some time!

I was full of gratitude for beloved and merciful Lord Sri Krishna!

I realized the truth of these verses of holy Bhagavad Gita-

BG 6.21: In that joyous state of Yog, called samadhi, one experiences supreme boundless divine bliss, and thus situated, one never deviates from the Eternal Truth.

BG 6.22: Having gained that state, one does not consider any attainment to be greater. Being thus established, one is not shaken even in the midst of the greatest calamity.

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19 NOV 2022

True Incident : How I felt during enlightenment

*It was during the year 1990. I was doing a good central government job in Gandhi Nagar,

Gujarat. I was having beautiful wife and two beautiful kids of five years old and one year old.

*I was having beautiful family with no lacking. I was well to do. Nothing was lacking by the grace

of God.

*But all of sudden my father expired after a brief illness of about three months. I was shocked.

*It appeared to me that I lost everything.

I felt that I was having nothing in spite of having everything. I wanted to die.

*I felt three truth of life-

I don't have any thing!

I can't do anything!

I don't know anything!

*Then I prayed to Krishna!

And my prayer was heard by merciful Krishna!

*When I was enlightened, I felt that I was dreaming a long dream since ages!

*I felt that, I was sleeping till now since ages. Now I have wake up from a long dream!

*I was astonished, all this was a dream.

My parents, family, children, friends, home, job etc all this was a dream!

*Hence I wanted to decide to leave my parents, family, children, friends, home, job etc. Till now I

was cheated by all of them.

Now I have come on Reality!

Now I came to know the Reality!

*I came to know, this entire universe is just a dream and nothing else!

*Hence I decided to leave the world!

I decided to leave my parents, wife, children, brothers, sisters, family, friends, home etc.

*I decided to take Sanyas as per Bhagavad Gita!

And I went to Mount Abu in an Ashram!

*There I was helped by a very learned Sage, saint, Mahatma ji. He asked me whether I was

married or having family. Then I told him the truth. He guided me. He told me the truth of

Bhagwad Gita. He told Gita does not ask to take Sanyas. Gita tells us to do our duty!

*He told me that I had done a very big mistake leaving my wife, small kids and family.

Hence I returned to home.

*Hare Krishna!

Jai Sri Krishna!


7 OCT 2022

@Restrictions in Mind

@From body!

You may be any thing!

Don't keep any restrictions!

In your mind!


You were born naked!

You will die naked!

@Clothes conceal your originality!

Be naked like Jain Muni!

But in your mind only!

Since you are in society!

Don't try to hide you from yourself!

@Reveal the truth!

Don't speak false!

From yourself!

@Thus don't speak false!

From others!

@Truth must be naked!

But for good of others!

And yours!

@Don't keep any bondage!

In your mind!

@Free your mind!

From all restrictions!

From all bondages!

From all limitations!

From all rituals!


Human is also animal!

But with some special qualities!

@Be Roman!

In Rome!

But be free!

From inside!

From mind!

@Live like humans lived!

At the beginning of life!

Live fully natural life!

Without any bondages!

@Bondages created by humans!

Limitations created by humans!

Limitations not created by God!

@In the beginning!

Humans were not in family!

Humans were without clothes!

Like Jain Muni and saints!

@Family creates bondages!

Clothes create bondages!

By these you become!

From natural to artificial!

You start show business!

@Live in family!

But without any bondage!

In your mind!

@By body you can keep!

Any bondage!

But by mind!

Don't keep any bondage!

Thus free your mind!

@Don't have show business!

Be natural, original!

Be as you are!

@If society does not permit!

Live as per norms of society!

Break all the norms of society!

From your mind!

@Thus remove!

Bondage of your mind!

Thus free yourself!


16 August 2022

Consider yourself very fortunate

*If you are at home!

Consider yourself very fortunate!

*Go to any hospital!

See condition of patients!

*How pathetic condition?

How they are struggling for life?

*See long queues!

Even in big private hospital!

Irrespective of your status!

We have to pity!

*Disease does not see your status!

Disease does not see your popularity!

Disease does not see your religion etc!

*You are very fortunate!

If you are at home!

If everything is alright!

*You don't know!

What is inside of your body!

There may be any disease!

There may be many diseases!

Hidden inside of your body!

*Body is treasure-house of diseases!

You don't know today!

But it may develop tomorrow!

*If you go to hospital in morning!

Your entire day may be wasted!

You may return in late evening!

Even without any food in between!

*Hence don't rely on your body!

Always remember you are not body!

Never forget you are Atma!

*Pain only to your body!

Pain cannot touch you!

*Try to remember this fact!

Thus try to make you more strong!

*If you have faith on this truth!

Pain may be reduced to some extent!

As per degree of your faith!

*Know, life is full of sorrows!

Observe, life full of sorrows!

*Body is cause of all the sorrows!

Thus try to get rid of your body!

In this birth itself!

While living alive!

*And this is called liberation!

And this is called knowing yourself!

And this is called knowing Atma!

And this called knowing Almighty!


25 JULY 2022

@Everyone God! Everything God!

@Everyone is made of God!

Every thing is made of God!

Hence every one is God!

Hence every thing is God!

@It is like!

Every thing made by Gold!

That will be Gold!

Necklace is Gold!

Ring is Gold!

@Every thing made by water!

That is water only!

Vapor is water!

Snow is water!

@Every thing made by fire!

That is fire only!

It may be fire ring!

It may be fire ball!

It may be spark!

@Aim of your life!

Only to know this truth!

Every one is God!

Every thing is God!


17 JULY 2022

@Drishta and Drishya

@I am Drishta!

My body, your body!

And this world!

All are Drishya!

@Drishta means seer, who sees!

Drishya means, which is seen!

Every thing you see is Drishya!

World is drama of Drishta, Drishya!

@I see my body, your body!

I see entire universe by senses!

I am witness of beautiful scenery of world!

I see and perceive everyone, everything!

@Aim of the life!

To know this truth!

Who is Drishta?

What is Drishya?

@Ask from yourself!

Again and again!

Know this secret!

This is divine knowledge!


14 Nov 2021

Everything To Be Story

*One day your everything!

It will become a story!

*Your body, name, fame!

Your post of PM CM!

Your high designation!

All things will become story!

*What will be left behind?

Your work done here!

On this planet earth!

That will be left here!

*And that will remind here!

That will make the story!

*That will be left for discussion!

You will be matter of discussion!

*Hence beware!

Before initiating any action!

*Always remember this fact!

Never forget this truth of life!


23 May 2021

This is strange!.

This is strange!

We are given oath of truth!

In the courts of law!

As per our constitution!

By keeping our hands!

On Bhagavad Gita!

But we are not taught!

About the truth of Gita!

If we are taught!

What is written in Gita!

Leave the fear of Covid!

We will not fear death!

Then there will not be any chaos!

In the working system!

Of any department!

Law will work smoothly!

As the courts are rest assured!

After the oath by Bhagavad Gita!

Then you will be rest assured!

About smooth working of system!

Study of Bhagwad Gita!

More important!

Than studies for!


Since they make your career!

But Gita makes your life!

Then you will know!

Real meaning of career!

Real meaning of life!

Real meaning of happiness!

Gita is not religious book!

Gita is code of conduct for all!

Many religions didn't born!

When Gita took birth!

Forward it to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!


2 May 2021

Which is the dream, this or that?

Sometimes you must have noticed!

When you were seeing a dream!

Then you wake up immediately!

Then you question yourself!

Which was the dream?

This or that!

Just before waking up!

You were seeing the dream!

Or after waking up!

You are seeing a dream!

Which is true?

The reply is -

Neither that was true!

Nor this is true!

Both are the dreams!

You were dreaming during sleep!

You are dreaming even after waking!

Since you are beyond both the dreams!

And this is the aim of your life!

To know your actual reality!

Approach to Krishna!

Or knower of truth!

To know the same!


4 Apr 2021

Why good people suffer?

Second question by someone from US -

Why good people suffer?

Krishna has told in Gita!

Joy of divine is described!

Initially it seems to be poison!

But in the end it is like nectar!

Krishna has told in Gita!

Joy of evil acts is described!

Initially it seems to be nectar!

But in the end it is like poison!

You must be knowing Hindi proverb!

Paap ka Ghada Bharne do!

It means, sinner is lacking some more sins!

Let him accumulate some more sins!

Then he will get punishment, all together!

Since his sins are increased so much!

That he can not be improved!

Since he is unwilling to follow Dharma!

If you find any sinner enjoying the world!

You must know that his end is nearby!

During his life or after the death!

He is going to be ready for punishment!

If you get worldly Joy!

Your Punya are reduced!

If you get worldly sorrows!

Your sins are reduced!

Hence you must be happy to get sorrows!

By remembering this truth for always!


23 FEB 2021

How my Spiritual Birth took place?

I was very weak person. I couldn't talk about the death of anyone. I couldn't listen about the

death of anyone. I couldn't read about the death of anyone.

I couldn't see the death of anyone, even in the movie. Even after my marriage it was very

difficult for me to see any movie having bloodshed. Some times it was very awkward for my wife

to see the movie along with me since I used to start crying after seeing all such scenes in the

movie. Some times I simply used to come out of the Cinema Hall during such scenes leaving my

wife alone. Even I couldn't see the blood of anyone. I couldn't kill even the ant.

During my childhood one of my friend fell down from the roof of his house when he was flying

the kite. He was admitted in the hospital. I went to see him and became unconscious. I fell down

on the floor of the hospital just after seeing him.

During my high school I had opted Biology as a subject. There I had to do dissection of frog

since it was a part of course. I couldn't see the blood of the frog. I couldn't do the dissection of

the frog. Hence I left Biology.

In the year 1989 in the month of December there was catastrophe in my life. I couldn't see the

death of my father to whom I loved too much. I was extremely shocked.

I was in too much grief like Arjuna.

I decided that I couldn't be alive without him. I couldn't forget his death in spite my best efforts to

forget. Day and night, twenty four hours I remembered his death and thought I would also die.

Thus I had very much fear of death. I couldn't forget my death even for a moment. Some times I

thought to jump from the railway bridge to Yamuna river to end my life. I prayed to Almighty to

resolve my plight.

Thus my prayer continued.

My condition was like Raja Parikshit in Bhagavad who had got only seven days of his life after

that he had to die due to the curse of Shringi Rishi. You may see this story by Google search.

Krishna is very kind hearted. I continued to remember Sri Krishna. He melted. Like He came to

save Draupadi. He came to save me to end my agony. Since He has promised in Gita. Thus he

became my greatest Guru, my beloved teacher. I could see the truth of many Shloka of Gita

during this period.

Then, I knew the reality of this world as a dream. Hence I left my home during the year 1990 like

Buddha did, leaving my two kids and went Mount Abu to take Sanyas. But due to the mercy of

Sri Krishna, one kind hearted Mahatma ji had shown me the correct path. He told me- You are

talking about Gita but Gita is full of Karma Yoga. You are talking about Sanyas leaving your wife

and two small kids. You have come here leaving your biggest duty, your Karma. Thus you have

done a great sin. Go back to your home!

It took from December 1989 to February 1990. During this period I had many divine


My Spiritual Birth took place on the auspicious day Maha Shivaratri in the year 1990.

Wishing You Happy Maha Shivaratri!

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12 FEB 2021

You are not the fish

You are not the fish!

You are ocean!

You consider yourself as fish!

Thus you make yourself tiny!

Know your nature!

How blessed you are!

Once you know your nature!

You will forget everything!

Don't consider yourself very tiny!

Don't consider yourself mere body!

Reach out to knower of truth!

Become blessed for always!

But you have to leave your impatience!

You will have to have infinite patience!

Then you can be blessed for always!

Then you can be immortal for always!

Love Krishna! Love Almighty!

Know the purpose of life!

Then you can get divine joy!

Then you will leave all joy!

Ocean can't be thirsty!

You became thirsty!

Assuming you as fish!

You are here to quench the thirst of others!

Not for making yourself as thirsty!

You can't be thirsty, you are ocean yourself!


25 JAN 2021

Death and Fear


Someone fears the death!

He can do anything for it!

He can kill the other!

He can be enslaved by others!

Someone wants to give!

His life for his nation!

Someone wants to give!

His life for the world!

Someone gives the life!

For his loving person n thing!

Someone takes the life!

For his loving person n thing!

Someone is ready to save!

The life of others!

Someone is ready to take!

The life of others!

Someone wants to die!

By doing suicide!

Someone doesn't fear!

From any thing or any one!

Since he knows that!

Nothing can harm him!

Someone becomes ready!

For his death!

For the good of other!

Like Maharshi Dadhich!

Someone becomes ready!

For his death!

To save a pigeon!

For the food of other!

Like Raja Shibi!

Someone doesn't want to live!

As this world is full of sorrows!

Someone is ready to die!

Due to mercy on others!

Someone is ready to die!

For God and truth!

Someone wants to die!

To remain always in bliss!

Someone does not care!

Weather he lives or dies!

But the fortunate are those!

Who are beyond life and death!

By knowing the secret of both!

By adopting the path of God!


Here we are defeated!

We don't see the essence!

We see only unessential!

Thus we waste our lives!

Majority of people do it!

And thus we die!

Without knowing the truth!

We give more importance to unessential!

We don't give importance to essential!

We see only the shortcomings!

We don't want to see the qualities!

Things may be -

A person!

A group!

The world!

In a WhatsApp Group!

Why this English post?

Why this Hindi post?

If you don't want Hindi post!

Who asks you to see it?

Don't see it!

See only English posts!

Group is also like mini world!

You can't leave the world!

If some people use different language!

You must see only your concern!

You will behave the same!

In the world!

As you behave!

In a WhatsApp Group!

You must see the essence!

You must pick up the best!

And this is the wisdom!

Here we are defeated!

If we see only quality!

Even in the worst person!

We can become Godly!

We can make him Godly!

See only quality!

If you want to improve your quality!

See only shortcomings!

To increase your shortcomings!

See the essence in every thing!

Thus never be defeated in life!


No chances of Satkarm after this life

We can do good deeds!

Only when alive!

During last moments!

Or after this life!

No chances of Satkarm!

You can't do good deeds!

Then only repentance is left!

Then one weeps with tears!

That he was blessed!

With such an amazing body!

But he wasted this gift of Almighty!

Hence wake up right now!

It is the wake up call!

Start right now!

Start to search the truth!

Knowing the purpose of life!

You can know Almighty!

You can know the truth!

Only when you are alive!

Not after the death!


Why sorrows are required?

Sorrows are required to increase your Titiksha.

Titiksha is your power to withstand adversities or sorrows.

Why it is necessary to increase?

If you don't increase it, mind will continue its play.

If you don't increase it, you will not be able to understand this play of mind.

Hence you will not be able to understand Maya which is unreal or Illusion.

Hence it is very very necessary to face the sorrows.

Sorrows increase your capacity to understand the truth or reality.

If you read the scriptures during your sorrows, you will understand and follow them more


You do everything whole heartedly during the sorrows.

You remember Almighty whole heartedly during the sorrows.

In worldly joy, you forget Almighty, you increase your ego, you become more proud.

You feel that no one is equal to you.

But when you see some person more happy than you, then you become unhappy and you try to

become the same.

If you get illness or problems, then you know the reality that you were wrongly thinking yourself

as happy. It was your wrong impression that no one is equal to you.

During sorrows, you know the reality of life, who is yours, who is not yours!

Then you come to know that only Almighty is yours and no one is yours!

Hence sorrows are very much required to teach the lesson of life!


Where you can run away from death?

Where you can run away!

From death?

Wherever you go!

In entire universe!

You will find death!

There is no place!

In the world!

Where you can go!

And hide yourself!

To escape death!

Death is the truth of life!

Reason may be any!

But you can't run away!

From death!

It may come in any form!

You may be clever most!

You can cheat any one!

But you can't cheat to death!

You may be the most smart person!

You may be the most handsome!

You may be the wisest!

In the entire universe!

You can hide yourself!

In the Moon or Mars!

You can do anything!

But you can't escape death!

It may come any time!

Reason may be snake, fear,

Corona or any disease!

Fire, water, sky, air!

Or any accident etc!

But death is inevitable!

Always remember!

Death to body only!

Never to your self!

You remain as it is!


Change starts from home


Home is the best place!

To get trained for divine journey!

If you can reduce your ego!

In front of spouse!

In front of your children!

In front of your parents!

In front of your siblings!

Then you can reduce your ego!

In front of your friends!

In front of your boss!

In front of your seniors!

In front of your juniors!

Then you win half the battle!

Then Almighty is with you!

He has already promised!

If you forward one step to Him!

He will forward ten steps to you!

Treat every one in home!

Treat every one outside of home!

As a part of Almighty!

As Atma! As soul!

Even if you hate them!

Even if you love them!

Even if you fight with them!

Like Arjuna did!

Krishna is always with you!

Thus win the battle of life!

Then depression will never touch you!

Then you will be beloved of Krishna!

Forward this post to as many!

They implement or not!

Since Krishna has told in Gita -

Do thy duty, Do not expect result!

Let the people must know this truth!

If you want this earth a place to live!

If you want this earth a place to love!


Those who read my posts

Those who read my posts!

They must consider themselves very lucky!

My posts are the gist of all scriptures!

Majority of people can't think about these!

I use to share!

Out of which, many things!

You may be knowing first time!

And many things!

You may be wondering!

But consider them true!

Whatever I share!

I share the truth of life!

Most of them are based!

On my experience!

Not theoretical!

Since the Spirituality is a

Practical subject, not theoretical!

By reading and following my posts!

Unlucky person can be lucky!

Lucky can become very lucky!

Very lucky can become most lucky!

But actually these are not mine!

Since nothing is mine!

Wisdom is not mine!

Intellect is not mine!

Mind is not mine!

Body is not mine!

Every thing belongs to Almighty!

Hence credit goes to Almighty!

Never to me!

But no thought is new!

Every thing is just repetition!

In this infinite tradition of time!

Shared by many sages so far!

But they are most lucky!

Who follow and share my posts!

Since they are not my posts!

Since they are the words of Almighty!

And those who share them!

They really want goodness on this earth!

You yourself are the best judge!

How many posts have you shared?

Have you shared the posts of today?

Ask yourself and decide!


What is Satsanga?

In real sense!

Satsanga is company of truth!

If it becomes!

Then no need of Satsanga!

But in worldly sense!

Satsanga is good company!

Company of good friends!

Company of good thoughts!

Your life becomes!

As per your company!

If you have company of wise!

You will become wise!

If you have company of terrorists!

You will become terrorist!

If you have company of fools!

You will become fool!

If you have company of intellectuals!

You will become intellectual!

If you have company of politicians!

You will become politician!

Your company makes your life!

Your company spoils your life!

When you are born!

You are innocent!

But your company makes you!

Your company spoils you!

You are fortunate!

For the company of Almighty lovers!


You can not hear these nice words!

You can not know these sacred words!

You can not know these secrets!

Guru Tatva or Paramatma

You can not see any thing without light.

You require either the light of sun during the day time or artificial lights made by the man for

seeing anything.

Imagine if light was not created, how you could see any thing?

Guru, Paramatma or Brahm is not a body.

It is a Tatva or divine element which is filled everywhere.

It is the light of all the lights.

Light can not see without Guru Tatva or Paramatma.

Light can not show any thing without Guru Tatva or Paramatma!

Guru Tatva or Paramatma is the heart of all lights including the light of sun, moon, stars, etc.

Guru Tatva, Paramatma or Brahm is same and one.

It is pure divine element, conscious, Sat, Chit and Anand.

Every thing visible or invisible in this universe and out of this universe exists due to this Guru

Tatva or Paramatma or Brahm.

It is the source of all creations, love, beauty, life, light, truth, consciousness, bliss, happiness or

divine joy.

My infinite love, thanks, Pranam and deep obeisance to this Guru Tatva, Paramatma or Brahm

who includes all Gurus or spiritual masters, all Gods, all incarnations of all religions, all Rishis,

all sages, all saints of past, present and future on this auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima.

Wishing you a Happy Guru Purnima.......

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About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-


Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal

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Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-


You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-


What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-


Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-


Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-


My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-


Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-


Whomsoever I see that is myself-


Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-


Scenes do not exist even now-


Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-


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Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-


Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-


More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-


List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-


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Om Jai shri ganesha

Ramana N

(Immediate joiner) Senior Data Engineer (AWS|AZURE|GCP) at Accenture

12 个月

Om Namah Shivaya ??????

Ramana N

(Immediate joiner) Senior Data Engineer (AWS|AZURE|GCP) at Accenture

12 个月

Jai Ganesh Maharaj ki Jai ??????

Pravin Agrawal ????

?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!

12 个月


Pravin Agrawal ????

?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!

12 个月




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