3 Traits Of MILLIONAIRE Entrepreneurs
The Truth About Being In Business
There's not one business book or one business seminar that will ever tell you the truth about entrepreneurship, and that's why entrepreneurs live in a constant state of overwhelm, paranoia, and solitude.
And the best, most successful entrepreneurs are GREAT at hiding this, but we all feel it.
I went through the first many decades of my business life refusing to even use words like overwhelm because I knew that words had power.
So, I don't necessarily want to use words in my conversations that make me feel heavy or unenergized.
Hell, there's way more than enough sh*t that goes on in life that zaps your energy. And for the first couple of decades, I didn't have the support system or the tools in my life that kept me focused and energized, so I had to avoid saying certain things.
I still don't think it's a good idea to use negative words when you talk about yourself, your business, or your life.
But the truth is, most entrepreneurs have more thrown at them in the first hour of work than anybody else does over the course of an entire day, and if you don't have a team around you or processes in your life that keep you focused, then that could translate into a massive amount of OVERWHELM.
And definitely, most successful entrepreneurs live in a state of paranoia as well.?
That's not a bad thing, because paranoia keeps us sharp, it keeps us constantly ahead of the game in business; it helps us constantly improve our products and services for our customers, so we don’t lose them; and it helps us give more to our team, so they don't quit and go someplace else.
So, paranoia is a great thing when it's harnessed and used to our advantage.
And without a doubt, most successful entrepreneurs live in a state of solitude, because being alone is part of growing a business.
As an entrepreneur, you're the ONLY ONE who pays the price when all sh*t hits the fan, and you’re the ONLY ONE everybody leans on to make the final decision on the biggest projects.
And if you're the breadwinner of your family, then you're the one your family looks to financially to build a great life together.
If somebody reads this article and they're not an entrepreneur, they're just not going to understand any of those three things.
But if you're in business, then you know what it's like to be overwhelmed and paranoid, and to feel alone.
And if you've been in business for more than two years or have had any level of success, then you've definitely found a way to use those three things to your advantage.?
Because no one makes it in business unless you understand how to use all the sh*t that's thrown at you to feed the fire and propel yourself forward.
The magic is that during your hardest times, you've got to remind yourself that you are that kind of person who breaks through obstacles; otherwise, you wouldn't be where you are right now.
Take stock of what's going on around you, put your blinders on, put your head down, and charge forward.
Because the only way to be successful in business today is to keep moving forward.