3 Tips for Starting Your Fitness Journey
GFIT Wellness
One of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Wellness Platforms. 1 on 1 Wellness Coaching and Corporate Wellness Solutions.
Starting anything new is hard. Trying to get into the habit of a healthy lifestyle can be a bit challenging at first. If you are at the point in your life where you are ready to make some serious lifestyle changes but information overload has halted your progress, then this blog post is for you.
“Where or how do I begin?”
Make Small Changes First
Our goal is to make LASTING changes, not quick ones. Set realistic goals rather than committing to six days a week at the gym and a diet of chicken and broccoli. Baby steps are the way to achieve your long term success! Start off by picking three ‘non-negotiables’ that you will commit to each day, and write them down. For example:
It can really be as simple as that! Have this list somewhere you can see and remind yourself of these goals. Committing to these for 21 days will turn them into habits, and you can slowly start to add in other small changes.
“How do I keep myself entertained?”
Find Something You Like
If you love playing sports, find an adult league in the area. If lifting heavy is something you enjoy, strength training could be for you! Enjoy being outside? Taking hikes often would help!
Try to find what you truly enjoy doing and are familiar with, that way you are more likely to keep up with it. Build your confidence doing something you like so you can try pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Try swapping out a typical date for a bootcamp session instead. A friend and/or significant other makes a great accountability partner!
“I just don't have time”
Plan Ahead & Establish a Routine
One of the biggest challenges (and excuses) that we make when it comes to exercising is we "just don't have the time.” There are 24 hours in a day; all you need to do is find 30-40 mins each day to invest in yourself. If you’re cutting close on time, set your alarm 30 minutes earlier to get a head start on your day.
Not a morning person? Pack your gym clothes with you and make an effort to hit the gym on the way home from work or after school. It all comes down to YOU valuing YOUR overall health and making it a priority.
Having a friend, coach or trainer who can help you plan your goals, hold you accountable, and motivate you when you are lacking drive is extremely important. Even fitness professionals have support systems to help keep them accountable.
Feeling ready to get started?
Follow these steps and get on track to a healthier you!