3 Tips To Overcome Fear Of Selling
If you are one most people who have fear of selling or talking to people about your products or business opportunity, you are not alone.
Over the past few years, I’ve realized that a lot of people in network marketing hate selling because they think sales is a bad thing, had a bad experience with a salesperson or don’t believe in what they’re selling.
The truth is, if you don’t sell, you will NOT make money.
By the end of this post you’ll be able to have the confidence to sell whatever you are marketing.
Here are 3 Tip to help you overcome fear of selling.
Tip #1
Believe in your product/service or opportunity
When you truly believe that your product, service or opportunity can help people, you should have no fear of offering it to them. You are serving people by giving them what they want and need.
Tip # 2
Ask your prospect questions to figure their pain.
If you are talking to someone and you have multiple products to offer, when you discover what their needs are it is much easier to provide them what your prospect need instead of assuming.
You know that by asking specific questions around your products.
Tip #3
Apply Attraction Marketing
Attraction marketing is the use of marketing techniques specifically designed to teach customers what you are doing and how a service or product will benefit them well before they purchase it.
It works by providing valuable content for customers to figure out how your product is going to benefit them before they buy it so that they are qualified customers when they approach you.
If you want to learn how to apply attraction marketing effectively in your business, Click Here to get your Free Training
Elroy Whyte