3 Tips for Landing Work as a Freelance Writer
Colleen Paulson
Executive Resumes/LinkedIn Profiles/Executive Bios | Former Fortune 50 | Featured by Fast Company, Forbes, Glassdoor, & LinkedIn News | Advisory Board Member
Freelance writing jobs are great as a side hustle to your day job or as part of a blossoming, full-time writing career. Starting your freelance writing business can be challenging, though, so let me help you get started.
Common Tips to Land Freelance Writing Jobs
As you get started, here are a few basic tips in helping you to find a freelance writing job:
- Search job sites: Freelance writing jobs can be found on sites ranging from FlexJobs to Mediabistro to LinkedIn. You can easily set-up email job alerts tailored to your interests so that potential writing jobs keep flowing into your inbox.
- Launch your own website: Show your expertise and portfolio via your site. This demonstrates to clients that you are serious about your craft while highlighting your skills.
- Deliver excellent content: Triple-check your work to ensure that the work that you are providing impeccable content to your reader.
Beyond these basic tips in getting started as a freelance writer, here are three tips that helped me to both launch and grow my freelance writing career.
Exclusive Tip 1: Be an Insider
Take some time to figure out what you know that no one else knows. Maybe you worked for a Fortune 100 transportation company and know how companies can get the best shipping rates. Maybe you worked for a leading consumer products company and have a strong understanding of consumer psychology. Maybe you are a resume writer who knows how to help clients find work, even in a challenging job market. Or maybe you were brave enough to hike the Grand Canyon with your toddler when you were 6 months pregnant and want to encourage other families to do the same.
You have great insight into something that no else does - whether that’s how to pick the best software platform or how to master Greek cooking. Use that insider expertise to gain interest from potential writing clients. And that leads us into our next freelance writing job tip …
Exclusive Tip 2: Know Your Customer
Before you can think about landing the freelance writing job of your dreams, you need to understand your client’s distinct needs. Read your potential client’s webpage and pay attention to the writing style - is it loose and flowy or buttoned-up and more professional? Find out what your client’s mission is and brainstorm how you can solve their problems. Your primary goal is to make their life easier through your work.
Exclusive Tip 3: Package Your Pitch
You can be the world’s leading expert in your field, but if your pitch is boring, you’ll have a tough time getting started in freelance writing. Start with a creative headline and spark interest in what you have to offer your readers. Edit your content so that it is easy-to-read but informative. Show your client that you understand SEO and demonstrate how your content will be easily found by potential readers.
Putting it All Together
The best freelance writing jobs are mutually beneficial for you and your client. Figure out what unique qualities you have to offer to your clients and landing gigs will become easier.