3 Tips to building high performance teams...
The back bone of every successful business is an effective team and most often than not many groups of effective teams throughout the organization however there is one team that in particular makes an exceptionally large impact, the executive team. Every decision they make effects your ROI and effects the people working for your company. Today more and more companies and leaders are realizing the value of PEOPLE as their number one asset in growing their business and can easily determine the longevity and overall health of the business. Companies are spending thousands and thousands of dollars a year on turnover alone because they cannot retain top talent or they are managing out those who are not able to meet the demands of the team because they were not the best person for the job in the first place.
What if I told you that simply by investing in the health of this team you could increase productivity, decrease dollars spent on turnover there by saving money and increase your revenue. You can and today Im offering you my top 3 of 7 best practices for building an exceptionally high performing team that is sure to generate an immediate return for you and your business now guaranteed.
- It sounds simple and yet can sometimes be incredibly tedious and difficult, the first step to building an effective team is hiring the right people in the first place. Focus your attention to both skill set and commitment level as opposed to one or the other. Be extremely clear on what skill sets you are requiring for the particular role and make sure they are versatile. Secondly ensure this person is committed to the success of the business as well as their development and career. These are the type of people who when faced with a challenge are able to adapt quickly, accelerate within their role and contribute to their peers creating less work for you and more return for the business.
- Nourish the relationship amongst your team. This is a group of people who spend countless hours together and their ability to understand each other, communicate effectively, problem solve, plan and collaborate amongst different perspectives is critical. Make time for your team to spend strategic time getting to know each other outside of the work setting through a retreat, off-site and or daily working sessions. I guarantee this will change your business.
- Ensure that everyone on your team is aligned on the vision of the business and the strategy they will execute to ensure that vision is successful. In order for your team to effectively trickle down the vision and strategy of the business in a way that mobilizes your plan they have to not only be aligned, they need to be engaged and committed to making it happen. You want every decision they make to be through the filter “ Does this contribute to the success of my companies vision?”
What are you waiting for? Its time to assess whats needed now for the success of your team and your business. If you want the rest of my tips and how to apply them and or support in the assessment process contact me at nicolewiegreff.com for a complimentary capability debriefing. I am committed to the growth of leaders and their businesses and I look forward to hearing from you.
Which one of these tips have you had success in? Which one still needs support? Share in a comment below.