3 Tips to Boost Your SEO with Meta Description
Santosh Singh Dagur
Digital Marketing Head || Marketing Expert || Brand Marketing ||Digital Innovation and Technology || IIM-J || 30K
Have you ever had to wonder why some of the Google search results do not have any content below them? Have you wondered while some links have content telling you what is inside, some have absolutely nothing? Will you click on the link with no description or content below it? Definitely not!
Well, this small description that really catches the attention of the readers is what referred to as the meta description. And it is imperative for every website to have one and if you have a website you should pay close attention to having the right meta description for it. This is the attempt a website makes to catch the attention of the consumers and encourage them to click on your website link.
Importance of meta descriptions
It is not just about catching the attention of consumers for which the meta description is used. It is also one of the key factors used by the search engines to rank the websites. Without the right description or the absence of a meta description could potentially lead to loss of leads, visitors and eventually loss of possible consumers.
While meta description is widely understood as the one that is featured on search engine results, they are not limited to that. Whenever people share the content of your website, on social media, the same description will be featured. While meta description is definitely taken into account for ranking, it is not included as such. So you don’t have to jam up your meta description with the keywords for the sake of ranking. However, we would suggest that you look at human behaviour when using the right meta description. Won’t you want your customers to know that the link is what they need to try for their outcome?
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