3 Tips for Anyone Creating ANYTHING
Geraldin Noemis Diaz
Program Manager ?? | Ed Tech, Social Impact, Personal Branding | 2x Personal Development First-Gen Author & Speaker ??
Below are some tips for anyone building or creating something. These tips come from my journey as a content creator and author.
I know, I know some of you may say are you crazy? People are always looking to put mal de ojo (evil eye) on your creations. I will say these are my own opinions, so you can choose to implement them in your own life or not. With that being said, I believe building in public humanizes you. It makes you more relatable and allows people to connect to you. I remember when I first graduated, I used to record videos in my bedroom. I recorded videos surrounding the networking events I attended, the courses I took on my own time, and what I learned from them. At the time, I didn't know this would lead me to write my book Reroute: Post Grad Guide To Success- Physically, Mentally, and Financially but it allowed people to build trust in me. They knew this project wasn't coming out of thin air. They knew I was credible and had already done the work for some time before writing my book.?
Building in public also allows you to get input from others about things you may not have thought of. Sometimes it does suck to get unwarranted opinions, but other times you need it. This is similar to market research seeing if there's a need for whatever you're building or creating, whether it be a product, book, or TikTok page for a specific niche. It allows you to see what resonates with your audience. This is why I will always be an advocate for building in public because the pros outweigh the cons for me.?
2. Start marketing before you bring your idea to fruition
Marketing is CRUCIAL. I see sales and marketing as two skills anyone doing anything should have. You will always need to sell and market yourself. Whether you are building a company, applying to a company, or building products and services, these are two skills that will help you succeed in life. I wish I would've marketed my book sooner. There was a point along the process I was so pen to paper that I zoned out and stopped posting the book writing process. If I could go back and change anything, I would document more of the process because I know that many first-time authors struggle with similar things, and I would love to be of help. Also, the more you get your book or product in people's faces, the more acquainted they become with it. Research says, on average, it takes seven touch points to get a sale. Imagine your book launch being the first touchpoint, and then it ends up being a flop, and you wonder why. It's because you didn't market yourself accordingly. This was also partly why I never had a book launch, and years later, I am still considering if I want to have one even though my book is about to turn two. Authors and creators deserve to be celebrated for their work. Executing an idea over a long period is not easy, so we deserve to celebrate ourselves along the way, but we must remember to market ourselves throughout the process.
3. Build an audience
Building an audience is what allows you to keep growing your business. You will want to create a community of loyal supporters because, trust me; there will come a time when you will feel ready to give up. During those times, you will lean on your audience for support. In this case, when I mention the audience, I also mean community. Anyone can build an audience, but you'll want to create a supportive audience that looks forward to your posts and supports you throughout your author journey. Your audience will also be comprised of people who will potentially buy from you now or in the future or perhaps extend opportunities to you down the line. Always remember that you don't know whom you'll meet on any given day and where you'll meet them, whether in person or on the internet, so consistently engage your audience and provide value to them. Share your story; it's what connects us as humans.
I hope these tips are helpful and allow you to get out of your head more and share your creativity with the world.