3 Times to Say No – Even if You Need More Revenue
Celeste Giordano
Celeste Giordano Consulting | Professional Business Coach and Speaker
Some business consultants and coaches rave about the power of saying yes. And I can understand why.
If you find that fears are holding you back from breaking through barriers in your life, forcing yourself to say yes means facing fears head on. Likewise, if you need more clients, saying yes to networking opportunities and investing in yourself can lead to new experiences and opportunities.
Saying yes in the right circumstances can lead to breakthroughs and new-found self-confidence.
But have you ever stopped to think about how saying yes may actually hinder your growth?
The word no exists because we are meant to have limits in our lives, both personally and professionally. These boundaries keep us level-headed and safe from harm so that we can function and live productive, meaningful, and fulfilling lives.
Saying yes too often means piling on so much responsibility that the stress is crippling and there is no time left to solve problems or think creatively. Saying yes to the wrong people or opportunities can be counter-productive at best, and toxic at worst.
Yet, many of us feel a deeply-ingrained sense of obligation to say yes to everything, from obligations to our family to requests from prospective clients, even when we know it is not in our best interest. This is especially the case in times when business is slow, and we feel desperate to generate more revenue.
Saying no is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it’s a strength.
Saying no is a normal and expected part of doing business. So long as you say no professionally and respectfully, you don’t need to feel guilty nor should you feel the need to apologize.
“No is a complete sentence.” –Susan Gregg
When you say no in order to protect yourself, your time, and your business, you set yourself up for success.
When you want to grow your business, it can feel like saying yes as often as possible is necessary. While saying yes can open doors, here are 3 situations where saying yes results in over-commitment or stress – both of which are bad for business – and I urge you to say no instead.
1. Say No to Giving Handouts.
You know what it takes to do your job properly and how much revenue you need to generate. Stand by your pricing and the value of your time!
When clients ask for a steep discount, pressure you to offer a special deal, or request that you “do this one small thing” without offering to pay for it, it’s important that you politely but firmly stand your ground.
If you do feel compelled to offer a discounted rate, make sure you’re doing so because you really want to, not because you’re afraid other business won’t come along.
You can also try negotiating an arrangement that benefits you. For instance, you may choose to offer a reduced rate in exchange for a longer contract, a larger order, or a new client referral. Just make sure the arrangement is a win-win situation you feel good about.
Remember, you run a business, not a charity. And speaking of charity, sit down and decide which organizations you want to support, how much time you are able to invest, and your budget for supporting your designated charities. Then honor your commitments.
2. Say No to Toxic Clients.
Most entrepreneurs and sales professionals have had “those” clients who, quite honestly, are more trouble than they are worth. Perhaps they are aggressive, overly demanding, or simply rude. Or maybe they don’t pay on time or take up far more time than is reasonable.
If you find yourself with a toxic client on your hands, you have a decision to make. The first step is to open up the lines of communication and set boundaries about what you will and will not accept. If they don’t comply, it’s time to amicably part ways with that client.
When generating new business, if you sense a prospective client may be toxic, clearly state your policies up front. Doing so will allow you to establish boundaries that weed out the clients you shouldn’t be working with in any case.
You should never work with a toxic client because you fear that you can’t afford not to. At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I help clients develop a referral system that allows them to generate quality leads so they are never in a position where they need to say yes to toxic clients.
3. Say No to Distractions – Even Those You Care About.
I spoke with a client a couple of weeks ago who said business has been slow lately. We started digging deep into why that was, and what I discovered was that she was spending only about 25% of her time working on her business, and 75% of her time helping her family out.
When you put in 25% effort, you only get 25% results.
While I admire her commitment to family, she’s also made a commitment to herself and her business. There has to be a way to honor both because what her family is asking of her, knowing that she runs her own business, is anything but fair. By creating a firm boundary, she can still help her family, while spending most of her time on her business, if they work together to come up with a creative solution that works for everyone.
Over committing yourself not only breeds exhaustion and stress, it takes away from being the productive and successful business owner you want to be. Put your priorities in order and say no when necessary in order to honor your commitments.
If it’s hard to say no, especially because business is not as robust as you’d like, it’s time to work smarter, not harder. At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I help business owners implement systems that allow them to achieve better results more quickly and with less stress and aggravation.
Once you’ve learned to say no to what’s holding you back, you can focus on saying yes to the right opportunities that will allow your business to flourish. Contact me today to find out how to “double plus” your revenue in 2020 with confidence and peace of mind.
Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlus?” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.
To learn more about Celeste, click here.
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At Celeste Giordano Coaching, I work with each client to implement the strategies they’ve been missing that will enable them to break through barriers preventing them from the success they know they are capable of. Contact me today to find your future clients who just don’t know what they’re missing.
Choosing to be JOYFUL and share a life of GRATITUDE!
5 年Great advice Celeste Giordano, it all starts with valuing your? priorities and setting boundaries.,? Saying 'No' does not have to be heartless and cruel.? A referral to an alternative solution other than you is a win'win for all. (Remember Macy's solution in Miracle on 34th St ).