3 Timeless Elements of a Persuasive Pitch
Becca Strang ?? The Title Gal
Title & closing services: a resource to realtors & lenders in the closing process
Whether it’s a presentation to an audience or sales pitch in a one on one meeting, impactful business presentations follow a bit of a formula. I remember the first year I started selling title insurance I practiced and practiced and practiced a 4 minute sales pitch (and I usually blacked out while giving it so it was hard to know what I actually said) but even though I perfected the structure of it and memorized it … it truly got me absolutely… NO WHERE. The key points I believed were vital for my audience to know about the company made no difference to them, there was nothing authentic about it, I didn’t share anything about my journey as a title gal or what makes me unique in the industry … my pitch wasn’t memorable. It takes some serious crafting to dial in how we present our brand/service/product but the effort pays off in ten-folds once we do. Check out this article from Inc explaining the three timeless elements to writing a persuasive pitch – I hope it provides a nugget or two of inspiration of something you can tweak in how you present your next pitch.