3 Things You Need To Better Your Chance Of Athletic Success

3 Things You Need To Better Your Chance Of Athletic Success

We've been doing these blogs for a few weeks now and I keep thinking... What else can I say? What more do people need to know about becoming an elite athlete? Will people even listen? Are people taking anything away???

Then I resort to some of the things I am going to talk about today. Some of the things that it takes to better your chance of athletic success are exactly the same as some of the main things you need to better your chance of BUSINESS success!

So today I am going to talk about three of the top things YOU need to better your chances of success as an athlete. I am going to stick away from the obvious ones like "skills!" cause well... duh. Instead I am going to talk about things you need OUTSIDE of what everyone so clearly understands that you need.

The first thing YOU need to better your chance of athletic success is a positive mindset. This doesn't mean being blindly positive all the time because OBVIOUSLY... you are going to go through difficult times in your career and when you do, it is OKAY to feel that!

What is NOT okay is to let those difficult times break you. What is not okay is to LIVE in those difficult times. To lose yourself in the fact that everything doesn't go perfectly your way all the time! This is going to result in you losing confidence in yourself and MAJORLY setting yourself back.

A positive mindset (or at least my view of it) is to take setbacks as OPPORTUNITIES. I know you have likely heard it before "we win or we learn" but it just couldn't be more true. When you are going through something difficult in your career, the goal should be to LEARN what you can do to make sure you NEVER have to deal with that difficult issue again! If you can keep your mind in that positive framework then it doesn't MATTER what your career throws at you. You are ready and you WILL overcome it and continue to move forwards!

The SECOND thing you need in order to better your chances of athletic success is CONSISTENCY! This my friends... is in EVERY area of your life. If you are "going hard" in your training, keeping your nutrition on point and getting all the rest and recovery you need to be the BEST athlete out there... but you fall on and off track every few months... That is NOT going to do it. That may work for a period of time, but that will NOT be the recipe you need to be successful long term.

This is not to say that every moment of every day needs to be perfect and you are NEVER allowed to eat ANYTHING that isn't on the meal plan... but you should ALWAYS be in shape. You should ALWAYS be relatively close to your best. You have NO reason to be going on benders or spending WEEKS away from training if you truly want to be at your best.

These are all habits that some can get away with for periods of time... but we ALL hit those points where we run into people who have the skillset we have AND are better in the day to day habits... those people WILL win out in the end.

Finally, one of the BIGGEST things you MUST HAVE if you want to be successful (in anything really...) in your athletic career is MENTORSHIP! Have people around you, whether that's coaches, parents, athletes who have been through it before or ANYONE who can help guide you through this process.

The life of an athlete is a difficult one. You WILL run into a lot of issues you may never even think of. Having someone there to help guide you through it, to help build you up when you're down, to help keep you accountable to yourself and your future... will only serve to HELP you moving forwards!

As always, I hope you enjoyed the blog if you made it this far. I love the world of elite performance sport. I love helping athletes reach bigger and better things and develop their dream careers.

If you got some value from this, drop a comment and let me know what you took away!

If you want me to dig deeper into my thoughts on any specific topics, drop a comment or shoot me a message and let me know what those topics are!

Finally, if you could follow / subscribe to me on my other social media platforms that would be a great help!

Instagram: @coach_dusseault

TikTok: @coachdusseault

YouTube: @ Coach Dusseault Conditioning

Facebook: @Coach Dusseault - Strength and Conditioning

Last but not least (***SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT***) My podcast 'The Elite Development Podcast' has 100+ episodes out speaking directly to the topic of How To Build Your Dream Career In Sport! If you are an athlete looking for what YOU can do to separate yourself (or if you have a young athlete in your life) please take the time to check it out! You can find it on ALL major podcast platforms or you can find it at www.elitedevelopmentpodcast.ca

Have a beautiful day and a beautiful week!


