3 Things You Missed If You Missed @ASGTG24
If you weren't at @ASGTG24 hosted by Ephraim Rosenberg , you missed a lot. I'll recap the top three things I feel that every serious Amazon seller in that room gained from being there.
The insights from the speakers that are selected for this event is actionable, real, and easy to understand. No sales pitches, no gimmick hacks - just actionable insight that you can put to work in your business that afternoon. The KING of Amazon, Kevin King , gave us 24 such actionable items, among others throughout the day.
Everyone who speaks at ASGTG is either an active seller, has been a seller who exited, or is very close to the businesses of Amazon sellers on a daily basis.
Overall, for the cost of the event, you are not going to get the quality of sellers, speakers, and food that ASGTG does - and has for 10 years now. This was my 5th year, and I couldn't be happier with the information that I was able to learn, and the people I met yesterday.
A huge thank you to Ephraim Rosenberg and his team, and everyone who works to put this event on every year. Keep up the great work - and see you in 2025!