3 things strong leaders do really well
3 things strong leaders do really well
Written by Cathalijne Bol
It is dazzling how fast things are moving and happening. Change that used to happen over years and decades is now taking place in weeks or days. We as humans have never dealt with change of this magnitude or at this pace and our lineair way of thinking is being challenged by the speed, and the complexity of it.
‘What got us here won’t get us there’ has never been more true. And who still believed in the all-knowing heroic leader who will get us out of the mess, is proven wrong for once and for all. Not a single leader holds all the knowledge, experience and skills to lead us into the emerging future and can anticipate the constant change all by him (or her)self (and if you think you do, please read on or scroll straight to point 1 below ??).
As change becomes more and more pervasive and perpetual, there is a need for a new kind of leadership. One that is better equipped to lead our rapidly changing organizations and workplaces, manage our physical and mental health and well-being, and focus on the major trends and challenges that shape our future. On top of that, this new kind of leadership requires leaders to be able to develop the necessary resilience, cohesion, and collaboration in their organizations to perform at the highest levels, while change, by its nature, leaves people and organizations feeling anxious, confused, vulnerable, and divided.
How do you do that?
Some people are born with these skills as a natural strength but for the rest of us the good news is that everybody can learn and develop these human skills. Which of these skills do you recognise in yourself? And where do you see room for development?