3 Things Learned From a Third Lockdown
Dr. Conor Hogan Ph.D.
?? Neuroscience-Based Executive Coaching for Executives & Entrepreneurs | Helping Leaders Unlock 70% in Productivity ?? | 18+ Years of Experience
When everything and everyone is locked down my mind is opened up.
And that’s the way I`ve felt since the first lockdown occurred as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020.
However, other people feel different.
Many feel as if the world around them is closing in on them like never before. People can feel restrictions on their lives and limits on their choices but for me, it’s the opposite.
There’s great freedom in a lockdown so long as you know what the true meaning of freedom is.
Take the example of the conversation I had with my good friend on the phone last night. He was
explaining all his thoughts about the lockdown and then he told me:
“I`d love to be overseas lying on a beach and feeling the sun on my back!”
And I replied to him:
“Is that because it’s cold and dark?”
But this wasn’t his reason.
Rather he explained to me that he wanted to be rid of the whole experience. He felt cramped and lacking control.
Whereas, I felt the opposite of that.
For me, lockdowns open up a wealth of opportunity and self-inspection.
Now, I`m not for one minute saying I want to be locked down for the rest of my life but it’s not a big problem if it were to happen now and then, so long as there is time to prepare for it.
During a lockdown, you`re forced to live a quieter life.
And a quieter life suits me.
Sure, I love to party and meet friends but as I`ve learned throughout life you never know who your real friends are until something goes wrong. And that’s one of the opportunities that a lockdown gives you, a time to figure out who your best friends are.
A lockdown is like a spring cleaning of friendship, and if a friend doesn’t fit your life anymore you need to throw them out of it.
Of course, I`m not saying that you get rid of all of your friends because you are restricted in seeing them but it’s during this period that you`ll notice who and how often people contact you.
When life is free and open friends often bump into one another and the conversation starts with:
“ What do you think of the weather?”
“Did you hear about the news?”
But these are very trivial questions and don’t scratch the surface about what a good relationship between two old friends should be.
During a time of lockdown, both people are more than aware of the weather because they have a lot more time to look or spend outside as they`re not as restricted by the 9–5 grind. As for the news, they probably spend more time watching it to see if and when the lockdown will end so they can get back to some form of normal.
But why is normal so great?
I don’t want a normal friendship. I want a great friendship. I don’t need to have bunches of friends.
A handful will do.
I want friends that will be there for me through thick and thin and truly care about my ups and downs and in return, I`ll care for them in the same way.
And care is a thing that we learn from when we’re very young. Our family will either have shown us good care or not as we grew up. And lockdowns are a time when we learn a lot about our family members too.
Everyone on this planet reacts differently in times of adversity and during a lockdown, you`d be surprised at the levels of awareness of various family members.
Some are very aware of what’s going on and some have their head stuck in the sand.
Those that are aware understand the need for planning even the simplest of things. Seeing things from other people’s point of view is very important at this time as everyone has to adapt their lives to suit these physical restrictions.
But then there are family members who are still in denial that anything is happening at all and they can’t cope with having to live in an altered way, even if they don’t want to harm others in their path.
But in truth, neither your friends nor your family’s opinions matter for you during a lockdown. So long as you keep them safe and you avoid them if they are unaware of your safety. But contact them from afar and all will be well.
Instead, it’s your personal relationship with yourself that you can control and prosper and a lockdown is a perfect time to start this. By looking inside yourself you will discover the truth in what you are.
And whatever is inside is your potential for the rest of your life.
By figuring out what’s there you`ll be able to grow and discover places of joy in your mind’s eye.
And then the lockdown is opened up forever.