3 Things I'm Thankful For
Rob Campbell
Author | Keynote Speaker | Small Business Owner | Veteran and Spouse Advocacy
I’ve lots to be thankful for this year. My list far exceeds three but here is the most important.
1. My family and friends. A wonderful wife, my best friend in the whole world who I get to hang out with every day. My two wonderful sons who fill me with pride; fine gentlemen and citizens who will make our world a better place. My friends, many of them service members who I consider family. They would do anything for me as I would for them. We share a warrior’s bond, one not easily explained in words. My non-military friends who refer to me as friend which I cherish. We may not see or communicate with each other frequently, but we are friends nonetheless.
2. My country. I live in the greatest country in the world. It is not perfect. There exists no perfect country. Amidst civil unrest, divisiveness, misbehavior from public figures and disdain for political leaders our republic will survive. Our United States remain the world’s greatest experiment, one which has stood the test of time and tyranny. We have our scars; slavery, inequality, ill-conceived and waged wars, but we, like few other countries, confessed our sins, healed many of our wounds and will continue to do so in our long march to a more perfect freedom. I am thankful to be an American, love our flag and weep with pride and patriotism when our anthem plays.
3. My forefathers. I stand on their shoulders and continue to admire their discipline, sacrifice and endurance creating the peace, comforts and prosperity we enjoy today. For the ones who raised me, taught me the value of hard work and the importance of earning your way. For the veterans of World War II who saved the world to the Vietnam veterans who fought heroically yet returned to an ungrateful nation. These men and women, through their blood, sweat and tears took our military through dark times and made it the finest the world has ever seen the finest military our world has ever seen. My forefathers and their generations were not without flaw. Nor is mine, nor will the future generations be. Each of us will make our world a little bit better. My hope is that future generations will be thankful like I am for all those who went before and contributed in their own way.
Colonel Rob Campbell
US Army Retired