3 Things to Help Your Business Serve Blind individuals Better
Blind Guy Doing Stuff

3 Things to Help Your Business Serve Blind individuals Better

There are three things every business should have to better serve the needs of visually impaired/blind individuals. Whether the business is large or small, sooner or later a blind person may show up. I can't tell you how many times I've frequented a business and they have no clue how to interact with me, or have the skills or technology to help?with what I need.

Here are a few things that can help your business be better prepared when a blind or visually impaired person shows up.

1. Signing guides - If you are a business or service?that serves the public and signatures are required, be sure to have guides that can help blind people sign in the correct spot. These are plastic "guides" that let the blind person feel where to sign. There are also ?guides for checks and other larger forms.

2. Trained employees - There are some simple things employees can be trained on like how to guide a blind person or help them to a seat. Having an employee handy to help a blind person fill out paper work is another tip.?

3. Accessible Technology - It's really important businesses have accessible websites and if possible use accessible technology in their business plan. If a blind individual can't use your website, they'll skip it and find another one. Using services like Be My Eyes is another way business can help blind people feel comfortable, especially retail stores.?

Blind people aren't just?sitting around owing nothing these days. Many are out and about shopping, eating out, on dates, going to movies, the park and other places around town. Don't get caught off guard when that white cane comes through the door.

Questions, comments? ?Send over a note.


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