3 Things To Eliminate

3 Things To Eliminate

As far as I'm concerned there are 3 things you do not want to do if you're interested in success:

1. Complain

2. Waste

3. Settle

Complainers are miserable to be around.

Networking is crucial to business success - and complaining is a networking killer.

Plus complaining sucks the energy and passion out of you and everyone around you.

Bottom line - quit complaining and start solving problems.

Waste is a success killer too.

You don't want to waste time, waste opportunities or waste resources.

But what you may not realize is that waste happens every day and goes unnoticed. Let me give you a couple of examples:

If you enrolled a new client and didn't ask for a referral, then you wasted an opportunity you don't get back.

If you skipped a chance to get someone's contact information to follow up when you met them at an event - you wasted another opportunity.

Every day provides you with opportunities to choose how you'll spend your time and resources.

If you want success...choose wisely.

And finally there is settling.

This is synonymous with mediocrity.

If you can be great at something, why settle for being good?

If you can be good, why settle for being average?

My experience is that being great at something doesn't require much more time than being good, but it requires being smarter with how you're using your time.

It doesn't take any more time to deliver a well crafted sales presentation than it does to 'wing it.'

Each week is going to pass regardless of whether you moved closer to your goals or were stuck in neutral.

Most people opt for staying in their comfort zone.

The really successful will be finding a way to get better.

Don't settle for being like most.

Three things you already know...but knowing isn't enough:)

How you apply them...that's what matters.

Dedicated to Your Success,


P.S. For a limited time we are open up spots for exluecive Brain Storming calls with me and my team to help owners level up for 2025. If you’re interested comment “coaching” and we will set up your call!


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