3 Things to Do Daily

Three Things to Do Daily

Every morning we wake up with a fresh bank account of seconds, minutes, and hours. Many of us just allow the day to happen to us, to unfold around us and hope that it works out to our advantage. The best way to make your day work out to the very best that you could hope for, is to design it and to declare it. The design of your day can be made excellent by operating in three simple mindsets.

The first one is to be grateful. Gratefulness indicates that you appreciate and are thankful for and receive everything that the day gives you.  Sure, there may be a desire for more, a desire for something spectacular or wonderful that hasn't yet manifested. But that manifestation will only come about once you appreciate what you already have and work and use it to the best of your ability. When you are thankful and grateful for what you have, it opens the door for more. To take care of the little things, of what you've already been blessed with allows you to receive that which were seeking.

All too many people resent and are disappointed and even hate the life that they live. Gratefulness doesn't mean that you don't want anymore, it just means that you’re happy with what you've already received.

To put that in perspective there are those that have hardly nothing. If you have more than one pair of shoes, a change of clothing, a roof over your head and food to eat, this to beginning of what to be grateful for. Most of us grew up with the commercials of the starving children in Africa and around the world displayed on media outlets. To me that was enough to realize that if I had nothing else I had enough. An attitude of abundance says that I am enough and what I have is enough. But that doesn't mean that you don't seek, plan for and desire even more, it just means that what you have is a blueprint for blessing.

Gratefulness is a gift. It puts you in a state of contentment, not saying that you won't strive for better, but that you will enjoy what you do have. Gratefulness stems from the foundation of joy. Joy comes from the inside and is an indication that you have been blessed with the basics to get. When you receive anything it means that you can receive everything. Gratefulness says that the efforts and execution that I have employed so far has got me this far and I'm happy for it.

When you start from a position of being grateful for what God has already provided it allows for the provision of so much more. Gratefulness comes from understanding that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. And because you were made with significance and intention, all that you desire is possible if you go after it.

There are those that have never striven for anything yet they feel entitled to everything. This relentless reach for the entitlements of life is what causes ungratefulness, discontent and stress. Once you realize that your life so far is a result of all that you have done then you begin to realize that gratefulness means that you can do more and therefore have more and achieve more.

That leads us to the second point which is to be hungry. Every day we must wake hungry to achieve more hungry to do more, hungry to have more. That hunger doesn't mean that you're not grateful for what you already are, of what you already have, it just means that the possibility and the potential of more exists and as a result you desire it. Desire is perhaps our greatest gift. It says I'm content but not satisfied with where I am. Satisfaction indicates that you will not do or strive for more. The striving for more, the desire for more is what places humans at the top of the food chain. That hunger every morning wakes us up, and allows us to go to bed satisfied, knowing that we will be rested and tested and ready for a new day. That hunger is what allows champions to be made.

Without hunger, we will starve. Without hunger we will wake up and expect someone else to give it to us and be disappointed when they don't. Hunger says I want it and I'm willing to go after. That willingness to go after what you desire and deep down feel you deserve, is what propels us to the peak of performance and productivity.

To be grateful is good, to be hungry is better but to be ready is the final key. To be ready when opportunity meets preparation is what causes success and excellence. Readiness, preparation is the crowning aspect of what every man should aspire to. If opportunity comes and you're not ready it’s wasted opportunity.

Your gifts will open the door but your character in your preparation and your readiness is what will keep you in the room.

How sad it is that opportunity comes and you're not prepared to take advantage of it. That preparation doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have everything now.

There are those who will not act because they don't have the finances to support what they feel they need to succeed. No, that’s not the readiness, the readiness is doing all that you can from the spirit of excellence and acting out the rest. The rest many times is left up to the creator. Readiness is studying, preparing, and being aware of what it takes to step up to the next step. When you're ready, what you're looking for and waiting for come about. Yet all too often that which we seek, desire, and are hoping for comes upon us quicker than we realize.

Having gone to school and gone through experiences and not have learned from them and to not be ready, poised at the gate, waiting for it to open is what success requires. When the door opens and you are unable to walk through it because you didn't prepare, you didn't study, you weren't aware of what is required, will cause disappointment and dis-ease.

When all three of these elements are working together in concert with each other the end result is a wonderful life. It's the best life that you've always dreamed of and hoped for. Consider your ideal day. What does it look like? Does it have everything that you desire and and feel that you deserve. If you wake up with the spirit of gratefulness all over you, and attitude of hunger, and you are ready and prepared for nothing and no one can stop you from achieving it. 

Be Grateful, Be Hungry, Be Ready!


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