3 Things That Differentiate Good Marketers from Bad Marketers
In the modern era of technology and with advent of digital marketing tools, the amount of people helping their businesses using technology is huge. However, what cannot be ignored at the same time is the scores of people trying to learn and do marketing for their businesses and getting no results or even the ones who do get results, they are not consistent.
Ratvi Media looks at marketing as a science rather than the art many people claim it to be. The cool thing about science is that it can be learned and taught. Today we are going to be discussing the three things that you can add into your marketing which would bring you more customers than you can handle.
1. Research
A marketer who runs ads because he feels like they make sense to his market is a bad marketer even if he has worked in the industry for several years. The only constant in the society we live in is change and evolution. Markets evolve, customer experiences evolve, people evolve.
Whatever you do it must be backed by research. You don't have to go all fancy and buy extremely expensive tools, there are a huge number of free tools, method and resources available online that do require a little bit of work but bring you great insights about your competitor, their marketing strategy and their content strategy.
With some of these tools you can even analyze traffic sources on your competitors website, this is extremely important as with right knowledge this information can put you decades ahead of your competitors and make you huge amounts of money in the process.
2. Testing
The only thing I know is I know nothing
Any marketer who realizes he knows nothing and needs to test everything is a marketer that can produce the best results. Though humans like being considered unique but our arrogance makes us think that we are the most rationale beings and whatever can get us to make a decision will convince others too.
Remember for almost every product you sell you might not be the idea customer, there might be other market segments who would pay way quicker, way more and might expect way less for the product, those are the people who beat you for every business.
We are not saying you lower your standards or raise your prices, the only thing this section contends is that you find people in the market who would buy your product and do it by research, test every single assumption, see what works and in no time your knowledge and result would blow your mind. You will realize that we truly know nothing.
3. Go Deep
Now this is the most important piece of marketing advise I have ever come across.
We live in a world where everything is a commodity, whatever you make someone, somewhere across the globe can make it cheaper, better and faster. The only difference between what sells and what doesn't is branding. How well are you perceived by your target audience determines everything.
In today's day and age the most easiest way to build a brand is produce content across all your touch points and deliver value to your customers. Producing content make you come off as authentic and someone who genuinely cares.
People only buy from people they know and trust, so become known, become trustworthy and when everyone is trying to reach a million people, reach a thousand but at a deeper level. This will not only derive sales but the brand loyalty it creates in the subconscious mind of your customer is what would build your actual business.