The 3 Things All Leaders Need!

The 3 Things All Leaders Need!

Without doubt, there are three key attributes and skills that all leaders need, and now, more than ever, so let's explore them:

A Phenomenal Mindset

Being leader is so much more than a job title, a rank or a position of authority. In fact it’s none of these. Being a leader requires a level of thinking that enables them to truly lead so that others want to follow, and not because they have to. A leaders mindset is one of mindful reflection and positive action, of sacrifice, service and putting others first. It is an unshakable belief in the vision and the cause and an unwavering desire to make a positive difference, whilst also being strategic and having the imagination and courage to make things happen, whatever the odds.

The Best Behaviour

When a leader has a phenomenal mindset and truly thinks like a leader, then they will absolutely behave like a leader. They will demonstrate and cultivate innovation through an environment of safety, vulnerability and absolute trust. They will be visible, accountable, committed and they will live and breathe integrity, honour and the very best of values. They will be an arm around the shoulder, a confidante and the calm in a storm. And most of all, they will be the passion, the drive and the purpose that brings the cause to life and makes the vision a reality through their actions, deeds and enabling others to be the very best they can be.

Awesome Communication

The last skill that all leaders must have is the one that the success of the other two hinge on. How a leader communicates should not be underestimated and in fact is the key to everything they think and everything they do. Quite simply, a leader will succeed or fail right here. A leader must be clear, honest and transparent, whilst at the same time inspirational. They must listen, talk, debate, challenge and encourage, and all in the best and most engaging way. They must make those they lead feel safe and at the same time 100 ft tall, whilst driving them to be even more and to do the things they didn't even think were possible.

It's Not About The Leader

Leadership is all about people, so leaders must think, act and communicate for their people and not themselves, because it is this that gets results and achieves success. And here at Living Your Learning, our Leadership Development programmes develop leaders to do all three, absolutely amazingly. So ask yourself this:

What are you doing to think, act and communicate as a true leader?

And are the leaders in your organisation thinking, acting and communicating as true leaders and what are you doing to develop them?


