3 things that actually improve the lives of those working in the data science sphere but are often ignored

1 - Allow the professionals time to rest, gather their thoughts and learn in between demanding projects. Demanding 100% of the mental effort of the data people, 100% of the time leads to anguish, resentment, and burnout. If you need to demand 100% focus for a few days, allow them to do more calm tasks after that, such as code cleaning, learning, or organizing their work. Creative work is tiring work. Allow them to rest.

2 - Develop a resources place - where you aggregate books, videos, tutorials, pdf's, code snippets.... anything that might inspire and help the team accomplish their work, preferably focused on basic skills such as maths, algorithms, and programming languages. Keep those resources organized. It will allow the pros to find ground knowledge to work from and guidelines to refine their google searches. It's a whole lot of saved time usually lost in trying hundreds of messed up tutorials online.

3 - Managers, be their protector, not the one they fear. Data Science seems like a bottomless pit most of the time and data pro's often doubt if they will ever find a solution to the problem at hand. If you compound that with a manager always demanding for everyone to be fast, efficient, and just "get it done", you have a recipe for disaster. Managers, here acting as a mediator between directors and the team and taking to team as less stress as humanely possible is the key to the data science heavens. Once again, stress and anguish are not conductive to creative work so try your best to be the one that they will talk to if they are facing problems, not the one they fear talking about those problems.

A happy, engaged, creative team is a humane team. Remember, we data people love numbers, but we are not machines.


