3 Tech Revolutions that will change your life

3 Tech Revolutions that will change your life

50 years ago, if someone had told you that people carrying a device could hold a video conversation with someone located across the planet, you never would've believed it. 25 years ago, if someone had told you that you'll be able to make purchases or hire services by simply giving an online order, you still wouldn't have believed your ears .?

Would you believe that in 25 years from now, we'd be able to teleport ourselves across the globe or even further into space?if not -? Just hold on to your thoughts?

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Technology has brought about both positive and negative changes in the way we go about our daily lives. Here are three technologies that I think will create a major shift in the way businesses and life will operate in the next 25 years:

Quantum computing - If you create a password which is a kind of super string password with considerations of having special characters, numbers and upper/lower case letters, the most a computer can crack it in is around 200 years creating all possible combinations . However, a quantum computer would take only 7 seconds to crack any given password.

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So are quantum computers just bigger supercomputers ? The answer is NO . Quantum computers rely on different laws of physics than normal computers do; mainly that there are infinite possible futures that are not limited by our sense of time as we know it. It is said that if you have to understand the reality of the universe, you should study quantum mechanics. If we can have a computer which works on the principles of quantum mechanics, then it will be the closest thing we could get to being real.A classical computer works on bits as fundamental language of information? - 1 and 0 . So basically when you are reading this blog on a computer/smartphone you are basically reading a string of bits either 1 or 0 .Quantum computers work on qubits – bits that can take the value of 1 or 0 simultaneously! Anyone who's confused by this fact might also want to read the Photon in a double slit experiment, because it can sound crazy at first. But remember: while in a superposition state (a mixed state where it acts like it's both a 0 and a 1) you'll never know which exactly will happen until you observe (measure) its actual status!

What can quantum computer do which traditional computers cannot ?

Quantum simulations - A quantum computer can do quantum simulation which means it can simulate a lot more data with principles of quantum mechanism ( the same principle on which our mind and body works.

Quantum searches - Which are not like searching on the internet for an answer which already exists rather searching for something for which no one has the answer. We might get answers to the? mysteries of universe , back holes , dark matter , GOD particle with the help of a quantum computer.?

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Artificial Intelligence?Artificial intelligence has lacked the power to truly replicate human reasoning and understanding. While there are some promising advancements in machine learning, we're still at a distance? from having computers that can think like a human brain. The current ML algorithms are about training - do a task and learn, repeat, it takes months to create a strong ML algorithm. With a Quantum computer this will be exponentially faster. Quantum computing will bring AI to life rather than serve as just its engine.


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3 D printing - I’m not talking about creating toys or models of comic characters. In fact, I’m talking about something way cooler - “3D printing and regenerative medicine”. If you are not familiar with the ‘regenerative medicine’, basically it is a field that studies how to repair, regenerate and replace human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function by using materials that include biomaterials; or synthetic materials; or natural materials (living cells/tissues). The biofabrication blog says that 3D bioprinting can help us solve the biggest obstacles faced in tissue engineering today. Whether it involves personalised medicine research and advancements in clinical care through 3D printing – the applications are endless!

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There have been few miracles already in this space with a dog who has a brand new skull and is living a cancer-free life thanks to the advancement of 3D printing.

The patent for fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printers expired in 2009, making these printers much more widely available today than they were previously since FDM 3D printers required a patent license from its developer. This surge of 3D printing is having a big impact across many industries with special applications in healthcare.

Manufacturing processes can be drastically streamlined by 3D printing, enabling a reduction in time from years to weeks. 3D printing also enables the rapid prototyping of models and the creation of prototypes in less time than traditional methods. Manufacturing has entered the 4th Industrial Revolution with the availability of this technology, eliminating potential shipping and assembly delays.

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The level of advancement I am talking about is like a 3D printer which prints a rocket which travels to mars with another 3D printer which prints another rocket on mars to come back to earth with requisite data .?And with the Quantum computing abilities as an input to 3D printer , you will not tell a? computer to print a design - rather ask the computer to create and print the most efficient design.

While the? Metaverse will make physical things digital , 3D printing will make digital things physical.?


Virtual and Augmented Reality

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AR/VR/MR/XR - Have you ever wanted to time travel ? Have you ever wanted to travel to space ? If yes then be ready - In the coming future you can do both at the comfort of your home. Lets see how.

Do you know how do we perceive reality ?? -Human beings base their sense of reality on the information their senses like eyes and ears provide. First time in the history of mankind, VR and AR advancements increase the clarity of vision we can perceive, tricking brain cells into believing that what we're watching is happening outside our minds.

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This trait itself will have? excellent applications .?The science of learning tells us that you learn something10-20% when you read, 40% when you see and 90% when you teach and experience it in real.In the field of education our generation have read stories - Our kids will be able to live them.?

For all medical students , learning? would be easier to see the body parts functioning in an immersive experience rather than reading them in a book.

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The next time you travel with your business, your might just try teleporting? yourself in the conference room instead of flying for 10 hours.

There are drawbacks to this kind of technology, as well. Having these computers in all aspects of our lives could contribute to humankind becoming more dependent on technology and which would negatively impact the human mind, forgetfulness being just one example.

Source DatadrivenInvestor

If you're used to smartphones, for instance, you may have forgotten phone numbers of our loved ones which we were used to remember 10 years ago.

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Science fiction movies like Terminator, which depict a post-apocalyptic future where humans are dependent on computers for survival but lose their humanity, also serve as a warning that we may not be prepared for what may come if technology advances significantly. If we did suddenly develop super advanced thinking machines capable of making their own decisions, they could eventually become too smart and powerful for us ever to be able to contain or control, bringing the end of an era when man is the dominant species on earth - the beginning of a Matrix scenario where we become virtual creatures controlled by other machines.

What is your opinion ? Which Tech you think will affect your life the most ? and most importantly for good or for bad ?

