3 Takeaways From the past 3 weeks of my Operations Internship

3 Takeaways From the past 3 weeks of my Operations Internship

As the summer progresses and I continue my internship with Sims Global Solutions, there has been no shortage of opportunities to learn new things. This experience so far has served as a tremendous aid to my understanding of supply chain management and what that looks like in a role on the operations team. With that, I wanted to share 3 things that I have learned in the last 3 weeks!

  • Effective Negotiation Leads to a Successful Supply Chain: One of my main roles as an operations intern is to book carriers on shipments for our customers. Oftentimes, this consists of talking with carriers via the phone to determine first, if the carrier is reliable and trustworthy, without a past of fraudulent activity. If the carrier meets those parameters the next step is talking them through the details of the shipment, such as the price we are offering for this shipment to be fulfilled; this is where negotiation becomes extremely important. When negotiating prices with carriers, if done correctly it helps Sims Global Solutions make a profit and remain operational, and if negotiation is not done correctly it can lead to losses, something no company wants to see. This negotiation process can also have implications for the supply chain overall. The supply chain will continue to run smoothly if we are able to negotiate well with the carriers that we interact with. If negotiations go south, it can lead to dropped shipments, and hence cause the overall supply chain to have a lapse.

  • Problem Solving is Crucial: There have been numerous times so far where everything seems to be going to plan, and almost instantly the circumstances change. The atmosphere of logistics and supply chain can change within the blink of an eye, and it is of paramount importance that we are able to have quick solutions to these instances. Whether a carrier that we booked is no longer or available or shipments are unable to be tracked we must have quick and reliable answers to these problems. Problem solving is something that I find great satisfaction in, and with that I have found true enjoyment out of this aspect of my internship and role within the supply chain overall. Problem solving is very important, and without it the supply chain can suffer greatly. More information about problem solving with an emphasis on supply chain management can be found here: https://supplychainmanagement.utk.edu/blog/decision-making-skills-supply-chain-managers/.
  • Avoid Risky Carriers: As fraud continues to be on the rise in the logistics industry, it is a necessity that we ensure we are working with trustworthy, proven, and reliable carriers when fulfilling shipments for customers. It can seem easy to take the first carrier available and move on to the next shipment but taking the time to ensure the carrier is credible can be the difference between keeping and losing a customer. Choosing proven carriers also has impacts for the supply chain wholistically. When we choose trusted carriers, it can be assured that the supply chain will continue to operate on time and as it should. However, when bad carriers are chosen, it can lead to problems within the supply chain, whether shipments aren’t delivered on time, or in some cases shipments are stolen, either outcome leaves the supply chain out of equilibrium.


This internship has been an invaluable experience so far, and it has given me countless opportunities to grow and learn. It has also helped me to see what supply chain management looks like outside of the classroom and how classroom learning can be applied to a role within a company. As my summer continues with Sims Global Solutions continues, I am excited to continue to face challenges and learn at every opportunity I am given!


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